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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

All content by Joshua Krob
Crossing guard Larry Miller stops traffic after school for students to cross the street. Miller was voted as the top crossing guard in the state last February.

Loyal to the cross

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
May 24, 2023

Every morning, junior Cailin Kilkenny looks forward to crossing the street to get to school. Not because she is excited for class, but more for her daily conversation with crossing guard Larry Miller.  “Larry...

Crossing guard Larry Miller chats with students after school while helping them cross Lockwood Boulevard. Miller gets to know all the students he serves, developing personal relationships through positive daily conversations.

Crossing guard superstar

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
May 24, 2023

Miller has worked as a crossing guard at Lawton Elementary School, Jackson Heights Middle School, Geneva Elementary School and Hagerty. He loves finding ways to make students' days better, such as giving...

Crossing guard Larry Miller helps sophomores Elleigh Ackerman and Jazmine Burton cross Lockwood Boulevard after school. Miller develops personal relationships with most of the students who cross Lockwood before and after school.

What’s next?

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
May 24, 2023

Although Miller loves being a crossing guard and volunteering throughout the world, he expects to continue his work for at most three more years. In preparation for his retirement, he has been making sure...

Girl Up officers present Larry Miller with a thank you poster for his donation to their menstrual drive. Miller donated $200 to the group to buy supplies for the school.

Not just a crossing guard

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
May 24, 2023

Most people only know Miller from their quick interactions before and after school, but he is also involved extensively in causes throughout central Florida. Donating to the Jackson Heights food pantry,...

Freshman Aidan Carl walks a pre-K student to his vehicle. Most Hagerty volunteers help at Carillon from 2:30 to 3:30 and help students with assignments and clean up.

Helping close to home

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
February 7, 2023

You try to guide a classful of elementary school students to the bus loop, but one spills pencils all over the pavement and another pulls at your shirt, trying to show you a toy Batman figurine while you...

ODD, ADD, depression: Charlie*

ODD, ADD, depression: Charlie*

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
January 7, 2023

When you hear your parents shout, ‘Clean your room!’ most would reply with a grumbling ‘Okay’ or a slight argument, but that is not the reality for Charlie*. He was diagnosed with Attention Deficit...

ADHD, anxiety, absence seizures: Jacob*

ADHD, anxiety, absence seizures: Jacob*

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
January 7, 2023

While playing his instrument in band class, Jacob* became lightheaded. He quickly set his instrument down before falling to the ground, shaking and unresponsive. The untrained eye might mistake this episode...

Junior Riley Walsh of Team Men prepares to throw a ball. Team Bishop Sycamore was the winning team, after taking home second place last year.

Team ‘Bishop Sycamore’ wins dodgeball competition

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
December 9, 2022

The countdown ends. Everyone runs towards each other, falling forward and ripping peoples’ dodgeballs right out of their hands. After immediately sprinting back, sometimes empty-handed, they get pelted...

Just Joshin is a humor column by staff reporter Joshua Krob that mocks aspects of school life.

Just Joshin: Embarrassing moments

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
November 24, 2022

You hurry down the stairs to get to your class after the FSA, then you miss the next step and comically fall face-first onto the stairs below you, flailing your arms. Your friends laugh and walk away,...

Stasik finishes 5th at the FHSAA State Diving Championships. He was the only student at Hagerty to place.

Stasik places fifth in state diving finals

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
November 22, 2022

On Nov. 4-5, freshman Noah Stasik competed in the states diving competition at the Sailfish Splashpark Aquatic Athletics Center in Stuart, Florida.  Stasik was the only student at Hagerty to place...

Senior Hannah Kuerbitz sings with her chorus classmates. She has been working on continuously strengthening her skills and confidence.

[Photo] Chorus students attend All-County

Madi Denizard, Staff Reporter
November 7, 2022

Senior Hannah Kuerbitz sings with her chorus classmates. She has been working on continuously strengthening her skills and confidence.

Just Joshin is a humor column by staff reporter Joshua Krob that mocks aspects of school life.

Just Joshin: Lot of headaches

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2022

The dreaded start to the day for a lot of upperclassmen: the parking lot. This teensy lot, meant to serve what used to be a smaller town, is always a nightmare to enter. Just getting into the lot is painful...

Don’t touch our pep rallies

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2022

The band plays “Industry Baby,” the cheerleaders do backflips from other cheerleaders' hands and the football team runs into the gym one by one to the cheers of the audience.  Pep rallies have...

Chorale performs "Pure Imagination" arranged by Jay Althouse. Chorus performed their first concert, the "Fall Tune-Up" on Sept. 8.

Chorus performs “Fall Tune-Up” concert

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
September 20, 2022

Chorus teacher Christopher Hickey made all the adults in the auditorium stand up. Confused by what was happening, nearly all of them filed to the front and looked back and forth at each other. Mr. Hickey...

Freshmen Liz Timpano and Hunter Bruneel work on classwork in Geometry teacher Lois Arp's classroom. Freshmen took their STAR test on March 8-9.

New STAR and FAST exams replace FSA

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
September 14, 2022

Every couple of years, the state introduces a new set of standardized tests, and much like a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, students are not sure what to expect or how long these new tests...

An almost killer documentary

An almost killer documentary

Joshua Krob
June 10, 2022

Murder. Drugs. Mental torture. A whole community torn apart by a murder that no one can solve. This illustrates the sad truth of the documentary “The Unsolved Murder of Beverly Lynn Smith.” Released...

Freshman Callan O'Connor uses a grinder on a metalworking project. He has been into blacksmithing for nearly two years.

Taking the heat

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
May 26, 2022

Freshman Callan O’Connor takes a long metal rod, pulls down his face guard and steps toward the red hot furnace. He feels the heat on his skin as he shoves the piece of metal in the furnace to soften...

Eternally nocturnal - sleepless nights

Eternally nocturnal – sleepless nights

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
May 17, 2022

Everyone knows what to expect after pulling an all-nighter; you wake up bright and early for school and find yourself exhausted. You drag yourself through classes, falling asleep sporadically, and as soon...

Senior Hannah Connell, senior Reagan Eastlick, senior Matthew Whisenant, senior Julia Shepp, junior Eshan Kabir, junior Tristan Irving, junior Connor Pham and junior Michael Ma pose for a photo after Brain Bowl. the two teams scored 2-5 and 3-4.

Students participate in Brain Bowl

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
April 6, 2022

The four contestants stand in a line, waiting for the question to be asked. Finally, the question is announced, an extremely advanced calculus question. The teams scramble to find the answer. Senior Reagan...

Junior Eshan Kabir practices his solo for solo and ensemble. of the 117 people who participated in solo ensemble, 137 got superiors.

Band earns flood of Superiors at Solo and Ensemble

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2022

Junior Eshan Kabir sat down on the stage, nervously looking around. The judge stared at him, looked down and nodded. Kabir pulled his instrument up to his mouth, the accompanist started to play the beginning...

Hell heroes from heaven

Hell heroes from heaven

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2022

Sitting there, eyes locked on the screen, desperately trying to avoid the boss orbs as shots are returned, and using your special attacks sparingly. In the second wave the first fighter is lost, then the...

Trey Terrill chose to get his mullet with his friend group. he expects to keep it at least until he graduates, contemplating joining the armed forces, which would require him to cut it.

Mulling over mullets

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
February 2, 2022

The doors fly open. Sophomore Trey Terrill struts down the hallway, flaunting his mullet to his classmates. Heads turn, and while some may sneer, everyone turns to look. First popularized by the Beastie...

Released in October 2021, "Wordle" created by Josh Wardle, is an addicting word game for all ages.

What’s the word(le)

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2022

You type in “words” on your first attempt. The "r" is green and everything else is gray. Second try, “farms.” No luck, but then a yellow “e” appears in “their” then it turns green in “berth,”...

Seniors Isabella Ramos and Jessica McGregor put together a bike for "Bikes for Best." Both the young republicans and young democrats helped build the 50 bikes.

Eastlick hosts “Bikes for Best” charity

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
December 16, 2021

“Bikes for Best,” a charity started by senior Reagan Eastlick, works to supply bikes to eager, less fortunate children for Christmas at no cost to them. On Dec. 2, from 9-12:00 p.m,  Eastlick, with...

Counselor Nick Maby watches and listens to "Coffee with Counselors." He helped answer any questions that the parents might have had.

“Coffee with Counselors” answers parent questions

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
December 8, 2021

While most people are happy to see last year's virtual meetings disappear, there are still some times where it makes sense. For counselors Nick Maby, Aaron Isaacs and Michelle Cortes, it’s “Coffee...

Julian Reyes-Rogachevsky holds up 4 of his newer boxed hot wheels standing in front of his showcases containing the majority of his most prized cars.

Hot commodity

Joshua Krob, Staff reporter
December 6, 2021

He owns Ferraris, Ford GTs, Porsches and Nissans, all without a license and for about $1 per car. Sophomore Julian Reyes-Rogachevsky is a diecast vehicle collector, collecting everything from Tonka to...

Released on Nov. 3, 2021 "Lords of Scam" looks interesting from first glance but lets it's audience down in a horrible way.

French failure

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
November 19, 2021

Nearly two hours of boring, confusing and hard to follow rambling. The Netflix movie “Lords of Scam” is just that — an interesting concept that turned into a low-quality documentary. Released Nov....

Junior Ladainian Serrano listens to music under the husky mural in Michael Sindone's room.

National Art Honor Society paints classroom murals

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2021

Oviedo has no shortage of beautiful local art, from elaborate paintings in Artistic Hand Gallery & Studio to the detailed mural in Round Lake Park, but the National Art Honors Society has created on-campus...

Released on Sept. 28 "Attack of the Hollywood Cliches!" did a great job showing the funny side of Hollywood's weaknesses.

Comedy, clichés and a healthy dose of humor

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
October 22, 2021

Have you ever wanted to predict a movie's plot before the climax? Well the new satirical documentary “Attack of the Hollywood Clichés!” allows viewers to do exactly that, all while keeping them laughing....

Art intern Samuel Bigelow helps a student with his artwork. Bigelow is a senior at UCF and hopes to teach by himself soon after getting his masters degree.

All under control

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
September 29, 2021

Fresh meat, seniors, new teachers, college courses, labor of love. All these words explain Hagerty interns, such as social studies intern Priscilla Hudyberdi,  art intern Samuel Bigelow and band intern...

"Saturday Night, Sunday Morning" was released on August 20 and is Jake Bugg's fifth studio album.

Holding tight to fame

Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
September 8, 2021

From love and gossip to finding your personal high, singer, songwriter Jake Bugg's fifth studio album is great and tailored wisely towards teenagers, mostly keeping it quality throughout the album.  Released...

Junior Mac Anderson. sophomore Jazlyn Compton and senior Jarett Warner rehearse for "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee"

Putnam County Spelling Bee debuts Sept. 16

Joshua Krob, Staff
August 31, 2021

In the first of three productions, the theater department will present the musical, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” in the auditorium Sept. 16-18. “The 25th Annual Putnam County...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School
Joshua Krob