At the beginning of the school year, school administration released a new attendance policy, lowering...
Due to the developing Hurricane Helene, SCPS canceled all after-school activities and events, including...
Fabric, style, flair. The Fashion Club aims to incorporate all three of those focuses to invent and...
The boys varsity football team has started off the year with a solid 4-2 record with four more games...
Undefeated after six matches, the girls golf team was looking forward to playing Lake Brantley on Sept....
Step into the classroom of a Standard class and you will see basic worksheets, online readings, and kids...
From Minga to online textbooks to virtual assignments and homework turn-ins, Seminole County has incorporated...
Sarah Adams' "The Cheat Sheet" was supposed to be a swoon-worthy, friends-to-lovers romance that warms...
When the calendar hits September, fall might not be in the air, but it is in all the popular drink and...
Figuring out what to pursue in life can be a struggle. For some, the struggle is finding what they are...