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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

Emily Cosio

Emily Cosio, News Editor

Emily Cosio is a senior at Hagerty and this is her third year on the staff. She’s the news editor and enjoys writing news briefs and features. Other than newspaper, she is in martial arts and enjoys reading and writing. She hopes to pursue a career in the journalism field.

All content by Emily Cosio
Sophomore Lara Voelker wears her PVRIS shirt. She has been a fan for many years.

Un-Grateful Dead

Emily Cosio, News Editor
May 9, 2019

Senior Katelyn Adair scrolled through her laptop, shopping on Brandy Melville’s site. She added to her cart a shirt with the signature logo from Rolling Stones. She also found a Grateful Dead shirt that...

Help available

Help available

Emily Cosio, News Editor
April 4, 2019

Recently, the news has been filled with news of the recent suicides of two Parkland survivors and a Lake Mary High School Student. With such intense incidents, it is clear that action to protect student...

The female engineering students were given the opportunity to teach classes at the SWE Conference last year. This conference allows high school students to work on projects and hear stories from experts.

Exploring Engineering

Emily Cosio, News Editor
March 4, 2019

Society of Women Engineers College Day, an engineering outreach event for girls in high school, will be held on Saturday, April 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m at UCF in the Business Administration I building....

Hate of the union

Emily Cosio, News Editor
February 8, 2019

President Donald Trump delivered his second State of the Union Address, organizing his accomplishments and plans for a sensational speech. Trump’s rhetoric, without a doubt, led to his nearly perfect...

Creative writing students working on their novel. They spent the month of November in the media center and computer labs to work.

One story, one month

Emily Cosio, News Editor
December 17, 2018

For one month straight, creative writing students did not do lessons, worksheets or tests, they did nothing but write for the entire month. As part of the national organization, National Novel Writing...

The girls sing Love is a Rain of Diamonds by Gwyneth Walker. In order to prepare, time was spent practicing in and out of class with many professionals.

Chorus students perform at All-County

Emily Cosio, News Editor
November 5, 2018

On Tuesday, Oct. 20, 12 chorus students traveled to the annual Chorus All-County concert and clinic held at Millennium Middle School to perform and hone their skills. This event showcases the talent of...

Supply drive benefits hurricane victims

Supply drive benefits hurricane victims

Emily Cosio, News Editor
October 26, 2018

After the catastrophic Hurricane Michael, Florida’s panhandle was devastated. Seventeen people lost their lives, over 1 million buildings lost power and schools in several counties still remain closed. Due...

Forbid grade-grubbing

Emily Cosio, News Editor
October 9, 2018

It is the end of the quarter and your grade is on the border between two letters. It all comes down to hundredths of a decimal. But after the exam and worksheets flood into Skyward, the 0.49 still remains....

Letting your hair down

Emily Cosio, News Editor
October 9, 2018

Released on Friday, Sept. 21, “Nappily Ever After” is the perfect ‘loving yourself’ movie, with a dash of romance and a sprinkle of comedy. This movie will leave you with a warm and happy feeling....

Williams receives SCPS Principal of the Year

Williams receives SCPS Principal of the Year

Emily Cosio, News Editor
August 22, 2018

On Friday, July 27, at the Superintendent’s Leadership Conference, Dr. Mary Williams received the SCPS Principal of the Year award. Not only will Williams hold this title for the 2018-2019 school...

Exams extinguish environment

Exams extinguish environment

Emily Cosio, News Editor
May 25, 2018

We have all seen the disturbing images of plastic islands floating in the ocean, one of which is larger than the state of Texas. But it is even harder to imagine that the tests students take at school...

Spalding leaves to pursue doctorate

Emily Cosio, News Editor
May 25, 2018

Modeling and Simulation teacher Lindsey Spalding wrapped up her final year and said goodbye to her students and fellow staff members this week before she begins a new chapter in her life. “I’m going...

The winterguard team smiles and celebrates with their bronze medals. They broke the previous school record by placing third at the FFCC Championships.

Spinning to the top

Emily Cosio, News Editor
May 17, 2018

On Friday, April 6, everything that could have gone wrong, did. The winterguard team waited outside the school, filled with excitement and nerves, but it was not the routine they had to fear, it was getting...

Realistic Resolutions

Emily Cosio, News Editor
March 15, 2018

Three months into 2018, resolutions seem like a distant memory. Keeping New Year resolutions is almost impossible for many people. According to Huffington Post, only 8% of people keep their resolutions....

Band wins straight Superiors at MPA

Emily Cosio, News Editor
March 15, 2018

On Friday, March 2, the band traveled to Lake Mary High School to perform at their annual District 6 Music Performance Assessment, earning straight Superior ratings. When the band arrived, they went...

Nellie Montecalvo is collecting PRIDE tickets in lower-house admin. Students have many options to spend their tickets.

PRIDE ticket distribution declining

Emily Cosio, News Editor
February 26, 2018

Since the start of the school year, PRIDE ticket activity has drastically declined. Secretary Nellie Montecalvo, who is in charge of PRIDE tickets, has noticed. “This year the kids are not really...

Clawing its way to the top

Clawing its way to the top

Emily Cosio, News Editor
February 21, 2018

Intense action, suspenseful crime, and a heroic superhero: the formula to an amazing Marvel movie. However, Black Panther goes beyond all this to create the best movie of the year. The main setting...

Participants walk around the track at the Sam Momary Stadium. Last year, this event was able to raise over $4,000.

PALS holds walk to support autism awareness

Emily Cosio, News Editor
February 17, 2018

On Saturday, Feb. 17, the Providing Autism Links and Support club will host their eighth annual Hearts for Autism walk at the Sam Momary Stadium from 9 a.m. to noon. The cost is $5 before Saturday and...

Cancelling the cafeteria

Cancelling the cafeteria

Emily Cosio, News Editor
December 21, 2017

As students stand in line, grab their food and punch in their lunch number, there a lot happens behind the scenes, and it begins before most students wake up. Dining Service Manager Erin Basilo arrives...

No one cares what you think

Emily Cosio, News Editor
December 21, 2017

Discussing politics can easily upset people, even if it is at home. But bringing politics to the classroom has to be done delicately so teachers and students can prevent annoying and bothering one another. In...

The best item on Cucinella's menu has to be their calzone.  Their homemade 12" calzone with two fillings is $9.

Cucinella’s a good delivery option

Emily Cosio, News Editor
December 12, 2017

Cucinella’s Brick Oven Pizzeria is going to be the local pizza place that friends and families take into consideration when deciding where to order on Fridays. Their calzone, filled with cheese and...

Signups open for spring musical

Emily Cosio, News Editor
December 4, 2017

Auditions for the upcoming spring musical, The Addams Family, will take place on Monday, Dec. 11 and Tuesday, Dec.12 in the auditorium after school. Performers should prepare 32 bars of a contemporary...

Sophomore Joshua Nushworsh steps on a crack on his way to class. He does not have any superstitions when it comes to walking.

Season of scares

Emily Cosio, News Editor
October 23, 2017

Sophomore Joshua Nushworsh steps on a crack on his way to class. He does not have any superstitions when it comes to walking.

Til Death Do Us Part stars Annie Ilonzeh, Stephen Bishop, Taye Diggs, Robinne Lee and Malik Yoba. With a small cast, all of the actors had large roles in the movie.

Death from the start

Emily Cosio, News Editor
October 16, 2017

The intro begins as one of the most beautiful songs, “Together” by Marques Houston plays in the background. The music throughout Til Death Do Us Part is spot on and the movie has one of the best soundtracks,...

Garden with a green thumb

Garden with a green thumb

Emily Cosio, News Editor
October 16, 2017

As the warm and sunny days of Florida begin to fade away, the cooler and shorter days are starting to appear. While most Floridians are excited about the changing of the season, their plants are not. While...

Senior Samuel Lee practices using the virtual reality lab. Many Modeling and Simulation projects, including the SWAT simulation, are created with the use of the VR lab.

Super SWAT simulation

Emily Cosio, News Editor
September 25, 2017

A virtual showcase of the Special Weapons and Tactics team sounds like a high-tech video game, but it is the latest project of the Modeling and Simulation Club. The club has been steadily growing and because...

Instructors in Seminole State College set up equipment for the viewing of the eclipse. The equipment later had to be covered to prevent damage because of the rain.

SSC eclipse viewing escapes rain out

Emily Cosio, News Editor
August 24, 2017

Despite passing showers, on Monday, Aug. 21, Seminole State College held the Eclipse 2017 Observing Event from 12 pm to 4:30 pm. The Observing Event was free to the public, including parking, and the main...

Maintenance staff pressure washes the campus over summer. They also cleaned up the entire school from top to bottom.

Adding a splash of color

Emily Cosio, News Editor
August 14, 2017

While students and teachers were taking a breather, the maintenance staff has been working throughout the summer to prepare the campus by detailing the school and giving it a new coat of paint. The...

Dual-enrollment: AP’s undisclosed rival

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
May 26, 2017

It is orientation day, an exciting time for incoming students to learn about new classes, electives, and the suitable level of class to take: standard, honors or AP. But nowhere in the same old presentation...

Are we proud to be Americans?

Are we proud to be Americans?

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
May 18, 2017

When the announcements come on in the morning, they are easy to tune out. Everyone is half asleep, and standing for the Pledge of Allegiance seems like more of a chore instead of a right. Students do...

Sophomore Shane Halligan works to restore the engine of his ’71 Mustang. Halligan plans to bring the car to school as part of his Genius project.

A genius idea

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
May 18, 2017

From gardening, to building, to baking, to camping, hobbies make students unique. Hobbies fuel the passion that people want to pursue, but the truth is, only 30 percent of people will have a career in...

The cast members practice the fairy scene for the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".  The costume crew made all of the costumes for the play.

Dreaming of the perfect night

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2017

Shakespeare might be hard to understand to begin with, and the drama department of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” has a lot going on. The play shows three different stories: one follows two sets of...

Senior Jake Adair sits in the class that he has with his sister Katelyn Adair. Both Katelyn and Jake are glad that the teacher does not acknowledge them as siblings.

Fighting siblings’ ghosts

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2017

Freshman Dominic Diatzikis remembers his first day of high school. “Are you going to be a funny guy like your brother?” “Are you as smart as your sister?” If a teacher has taught a student’s...

President protecting the people

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
February 21, 2017

Eighty-seven killed. More than 400 injured. A truck plowed into Nice, France on July 14, 2016 during a national holiday celebration. This incident, as well as countless others, was committed by a member...

Neel Maity practices his presentation before the science fair. Five students from experimental science competed at the annual science fair.

Experimenting with excellence

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
February 13, 2017

A teen who can test coating on jet engine wires to prevent airplane explosions? It might sound like a cool new sci-fi show, but Experimental Science students came up with this idea and several innovative...

Modeling and Simulation members show parents and incoming freshmen their awards. The event was organized to explain courses offered.

Annual curriculum fair educates students and parents

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2017

On Thursday, Jan. 26, the school held the curriculum night for students who will enroll for 2017-2018. During the event, students talked to teachers and guidance counselors to ask questions about credits,...

Senior Sam Bates stays hydrated as she drinks water in her car. It's important for all students to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Drop dead dehydration

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
January 26, 2017

For senior Sam Bates, water polo practice may have began with sprints, but it ended in agony. As she was swimming during her practice, a wincing pain was coming from lower leg, continuing to trot through...

Shopping without stress

Shopping without stress

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
December 28, 2016

The holidays are the time to relax and enjoy the season. However, a lot of people find this time of year to be stressful and expensive when trying to shop for presents. According to PR Newswire, “86%...

Drum majors, front ensemble and percussion led the band in the parade. The parade was on Oviedo Blvd. which led into Oviedo on the Park.

Oviedo holds annual holiday parade

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
December 12, 2016

On Saturday, Dec. 10, the city of Oviedo held its annual Holiday Parade in Oviedo on the Park. The band marched in the parade alongside cologuard, like they do every year. The parade consisted of floats...

Freshman Avery Legg and Abbie Cotler check their points on Pocket Points. Students can earn a point for every 20 minutes they have their phone locked.

The Power of Pocket Points

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
December 1, 2016

Junior Alyse Booth was driving teammates to a three-hour winter guard practice and she was hungry. Freshman Avery Legg suggested nuggets because she had Pocket Points and she wanted to use some of her...

Rho Kappa holds movie night

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
November 18, 2016

On Wednesday, Nov. 16, Rho Kappa sponsored the playing of Monuments Men and raised $607 for K9s for Warriors. K9s for Warriors is an organization in which service canines are given to the men and women...

The team celebrates in a September game against Oviedo. Despite a 3-2 loss, the early match against a state power showed team potential.

Volley finishes at regional finals

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
November 17, 2016

It was the beginning of a postseason run: The girls varsity volleyball team hosted and won the District 6 championships on Tuesday, Oct. 18 and Thursday, Oct. 20, beating Harmony 3-1 in the district finals. “We...

Dr. Walt Griffin tweeted "$1,000,000 awarded to SCPS for our XQ Super School Project, PSI High! Congratulations to our students and teachers!!" The money will be used to bring PSI High to life.

Reinventing education

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2016

The past few decades the basic structure of high school has remained the same, while the rest of the world is constantly improving. “We as a district recognize the need to redesign the concept and...

The cover photo of  a Netflix Original series, Luke Cage

Luke Cage not to be marveled at

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2016

Luke Cage, one of the first African American characters in a mainstream comic book, was given these incredible strengths. The story line was minimized by the Netflix series Luke Cage and the originality...

Junior Ellie Bailey and sophomores Emily Canamella and Vangeli Tsompanidis practice for the upcoming musical. The Mystery of Edwin Drood will be held on November 3, 4 and 5.

Thespians sell home goods

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2016

Since August, thespians have been holding fundraisers in order to pay for shows and to keep the department running. To raise money for the musical, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, thespians are currently selling...

Emerging Elective

Emerging Elective

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
September 19, 2016

To outsiders, AP Seminar, a class where students read and research, might sound confusing or boring.  However, teacher Robin Grenz brings a new spin and energy to the seemingly uninteresting class. “Ms....

The beginner rifle class performs a routine they learned in the Paradigm camp. With over 20 different classes, Paradigm summer clinics allow all levels to perform.

Colorguard improves skills at Paradigm clinic

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
July 25, 2016

On July 23, colorguard visited Oak Ridge High School for a Paradigm Summer Clinic. The team was able to improve their skills and encourage team bonding. Four summer clinics are held to focus teams on...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School
Emily Cosio