Action movies are known for heroes, chases, and overdramatic CGI. While the Netflix original ‘Kate’ checks every box, unfortunately, it is the same typical, tiresome action movie viewers have seen...
Usually when people think of Marvel, superheroes like Captain America, Iron Man or Thor come to mind. Released Sept. 3, “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” changes the narrative and adds diversity...
Living where a murder occurred is one thing, but living with a murderer sounds like the perfect time to move. Unless, of course, you are Mabel Mora (Selena Gomez), Charles-Haden Savage (Steve Martin) or...
The new hot trend is TikTokers, or social media influencers in general, trying to become singer songwriters, whether they can sing or not. Nessa Barrett is one of the few, however, who actually has the...
From love and gossip to finding your personal high, singer, songwriter Jake Bugg's fifth studio album is great and tailored wisely towards teenagers, mostly keeping it quality throughout the album.