From sneak attacks, gaining new roommates you didn’t want, and playing for the Kim Cup, season three of CBC sitcom “Kim’s Convenience” brings back the Kim family as they continue to navigate life...
Out of 1,569 shows on Netflix, an exceptional political comedy is hard to come by. Thankfully, Hasan Minaj’s “Patriot Act” fills the void. Released on Sunday, Oct. 28, the first episode started off...
The Turd Burglar, a perpetrator of pranks at St. Bernardine, the Catholic school where American Vandal Season 2 is set, causes a series of rather childish pranks, and sends the prestigious school into...
“Insatiable” is like that ex-girlfriend. You hope that she’ll become a better person, but she keeps disappointing. After watching all 12 episodes of this controversial Netflix original series, it’s...
While superheroes have experienced a renaissance in the cinemas, they have experienced one in television as well. Shows on The CW, ABC, FOX, and FX have also drawn praise for their superhero programming....