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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


A poster for Stranger Things: Season 2. The 9-episode season is currently availible on Netflix.

Strange is the new awesome

Bryson Turner, Online Editor
November 1, 2017

Go microwave some Eggos and find a quiet place, because after one year, three months, and 12 days, Stranger Things’ second season has dropped on Netflix, and it was well worth the wait. Consisting of...

Cover for new Netflix series "A Series of Unfortunate Events" released on Jan. 13.

Unfortunate Events becomes fortunate series

Ahilyn Aguilar, New’s Editor
January 26, 2017

In the first minutes of the new Netflix’s series A Series of Unfortunate Events, the audience is warned to look away and watch a show more pleasant; within 10 minutes, however, taking Lemony Snicket’s...

The cover photo of  a Netflix Original series, Luke Cage

Luke Cage not to be marveled at

Emily Cosio, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2016

Luke Cage, one of the first African American characters in a mainstream comic book, was given these incredible strengths. The story line was minimized by the Netflix series Luke Cage and the originality...


Nathaniel Kauffman, Twitter Editor
May 26, 2015

Movie to watch - How to Train Your Dragon 2 As far as DreamWorks sequels go, this one is an all-time great, and that’s with movies like Madagascar and Shrek on the table. The first movie was awesome...

Daredevil blindingly awesome

Daredevil blindingly awesome

Jessica Ritchie, Staff Reporter
May 6, 2015

Netflix took a stab at bringing superheroes to instant streaming with the addition of Daredevil. Marvel has been pushing out shows all over public cable stations; it seems logical that Netflix should be...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School