When looking for new original content, Hulu has some amazing works. People love to binge popular shows like “The Handmaid’s Tale” and “Love, Victor.” Newest to the list: the thought-provoking...
Netflix’s new dramatic comedy series, “The Last Word”, is an emotional roller coaster that will leave viewers either on the brink of tears or in a fit of laughter. The six part series was originally...
Skyler Glenn, Assistant News Editor September 9, 2020
From “Property Brothers” to “Love It or List It,” real estate shows are incredibly popular. Viewers watch the shows for interior design inspiration, to learn the cost of renovations, or even just...
When done right, love triangles are a tug-of-war of the heart. The exploration of two relationships is an ambitious feat, but unfortunately when the members of the triangle are less interesting than the...
New York City and Los Angeles are known for stereotypes about the people living there. In season two of Netflix’s series of “You,” book enthusiast Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley), makes the move from...