Creative Writing Club Debuts

The newest club on campus, Creative Writing Club, debuted Sept. 11. Students were asked to bring original works relating to patriotism and also brought in their twenty page works in progress.

Founded by student Steven Marivn, the Creative Writing Club was created for students to have a forum to share their work and get feedback. Club members will also have opportunities to enter writing contests usually covered in English classes. Sponsor Lisa Gendreau says that the club will give students the opportunity to pursue creative writing.

The first meeting began with officer elections. The president is Steven Marvin, vice president is Bailey Bouton and secretary is Hannah Maryland.

Next Month’s meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 9, will feature October’s writing theme, “fear.” To keep in good standing, members may only miss two meetings and new members are still welcome to join. The Creative Writing Club is good for students with a passion for writing and looks good on a college application.

“You don’t do a lot of creative writing in school any more, so it’s a great way for students to, if they have that talent to tap into it, explore it, maybe foster it, nurture it and get feedback in a way that nonjudgmental,” Gendreau said.