Keeping Up With the Clubs: Culinary Club

photo by Abigail Neal

A Club member measures the right amount of cocoa powder, following the recipe to make homemade brownies. The Culinary Club provides all needed ingredients and supplies to students in order for them to practice their skills and learn about the importance of being safe in the kitchen.

Established just two years ago, the Culinary Club hosted one of their monthly meetings on Thursday where they baked brownies, allowing students to mix comfort food and friends.

Started by culinary teacher Matthew Thompson, the club began as a place for culinary students and students unable to get into the class to come together and bond through food.

“I [re]started the club because we wanted to include students who didn’t get into the class and also just bring happiness to food and cooking,” president Annabella Musumeci said. “[ I love] being able to teach students how to cook, proper techniques and food safety things that aren’t so well known.”

During club meetings, students separate into different groups and follow a given recipe for foods that range from homemade Red Lobster cheddar biscuits to classic chocolate chip cookies. Each meeting alternates between baking and cooking. 

At this particular meeting, board members discussed the cancellation of the March meeting due to spring break and the final meeting which will be held in April. 

Meetings are held on a Thursday once a month from 2:30–4 p.m. in Thompson’s room, 6-111. 

Culinary Club invites all students, regardless of their cooking skill, to join, create good food and enjoy a good time. 

For more information about Culinary Club, follow them on Instagram @hagertyculinaryclub.