Keeping Up With the Clubs: BSU & HSU hosts Thanksgiving potluck

photo by Abigail Neal

Both Black Student Union and Hispanic Student Union members line up to fill their plate with potluck items brought in by members. Both clubs collaborated for this event in hopes to encourage members to make new friends and feel a part of a community.

The Hispanic Student Union collaborated with the Black Student Union to host a Thanksgiving potluck on Nov. 17. For this meeting, students from both clubs were encouraged to bring food and drinks to share as a chance to meet new people. 

“We wanted to encourage members to make friends and feel that sense of community within our two clubs,” HSU president Stefany Rios said. “Collaborating helps us plan bigger events and gets more students involved.”

During the meeting, BSU discussed their upcoming volunteering opportunities and a joint holiday party with the HSU. The BSU meets every other Thursday after school in the media center and is sponsored by assistant principal Reginald Miller. 

The HSU also took time to introduce their new sponsor Jessica Furiosi. Meetings for the HSU are held every third Thursday after school in Furiosi’s room 6-203. 

Information for both clubs can be found on Instagram @hagerty.hsu and @hagerty_bsu.