Is there such a thing as too much skater boy?

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Jared Tyler is the coolest boy in school, a heartthrob skater that could have any girl he wants. He skates to school on his board every day and carries it around so everyone knows that he’s a fan of “Rick and Morty.” With his shaggy hair and stylish yet comfortable outfits, he is the perfect choice for prom king, except for the one thing holding him back: his black and white checkered Vans.

Converse were all the rage since, well forever. The canvas shoe was comfortable enough for everyday wear and stylish enough to wear with leggings and jeans. But over the past few years, a new brand has taken over with the same level of comfort in a shoe that is not for running; Vans.

Vans was established in 1966 as an American skateboarding shoes and apparel manufacturer with a reach that includes: multi-brand retail shops, an online site and over 300 of their own retail locations.

Vans have certainly become well-known but, lets be honest, are way too over-hyped. Everyone is wearing them, but what is the appeal?

Walking from lunch to fifth-period, I counted 40 pairs in a 30 yards. All of the Vans I saw were the plain white slip-on vans or just plain black.

It is not that Vans are terribly ugly, and I can appreciate the functional purpose they serve, but they are just boring. The shoes were made to be practical for skaters, but have been adopted by teenagers like the fluffiest puppy at the pet store. 

The Vans have been trending for years with the “Damn Daniel” vine and Van flip challenge but they have become overrated. 

With everyone wearing the same checkered, white or plain black Vans the shoe game is lacking flavor. It is almost like someone decided to season peoples shoe choices with salt but then removed some because it was too “spicy.”

 The Vans company is not getting the recognition it deserves. After browsing their website there are a lot of interesting options. It made me wonder why more people are not exploring all the hot new kicks on the market.                        

If you want to be considered a more fashion-forward individual, stop copying and pasting the same items everyone else is wearing into your own wardrobe. The best way to get people to notice your fashion genius is to wear the things that no one else is. Still follow trends but make them your own by  choosing an original pattern, texture or sole design.

If your goal is to perfect the “skater” aesthetic, there are still more shoe options available: Converse, Nike and Adidas are some of the more well-known brands but do not be afraid to go a little outside the box.

Shoes are the wrapping paper of an outfit. Even if your fit is a bit bland, the right pair of shoes can spice it up.