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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

Chanson Cadet

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter

Chanson Cadet is a senior at Hagerty High school and this is her second year on staff. She enjoys sewing and writing the fashion column. Chanson hopes to have another great year in the newspaper.

All content by Chanson Cadet
This screenshot from the Dream SMP server features the central structure of the Community House, prior to its destruction and the connecting Prime paths.

Dream SMP: Multiplayer and Multi-Million

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
April 29, 2021

Ten years back, logging onto a gaming console opens to a geometric world. In front of you, a small plain with oak trees and a single cow in the distance. The only character option available was "Steve,"...

Chay’s Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Headscarves: bringing back the ‘50s

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
April 29, 2021

Everyone knows the summer feeling, driving windows down on a clear sunny day, music blasting through the speakers as you and your friends make your way to the beach, picking up ice cream on the way. It...

The recent media coverage over the statistic "97%" has once again brought light to just how big of an issue sexual harassment is, and how many women are afflicted even in our school.

“It happened to me.”

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2021

Your last boyfriend was manipulative, gaslighting or manipulating you psychologically into believing you were not enough. The $20 he spent on your lunch was not a kind gesture, but an unspoken agreement...

Chay’s Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Pretty in Pastels

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
April 5, 2021

As the weather gets warmer and the end of school draws closer, the stress and tension that builds after excruciating eight-hour days can finally melt away to reveal to first glimpses of actual joy. If...

The correlation between femininity and the color pink has created a stigma around the color as shaming girls for something they were taught to like is accepted.

The pink problem

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
March 16, 2021

Walking through your local supermarket picking up necessary goods you notice your basket looks eerily similar. Between the headset, calculator,  razors, shampoo, and even pens, your entire basket is the...

Chay’s Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Heels: making high school a runway

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
March 12, 2021

As the click of 4-inch pumps echo throughout the hallway, you turn and look for the source of the noise. When you realize it is a student, not an administrator, your first question is usually, "How do...

Junior Skylar France cosplays as Wilbur from the Dream SMP featuring the man of the fictional country of L'Manburg.

Cosplaying around

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2021

With blue-painted skin, and hand-made prop ears, Junior Skylar France cosplayed her first-ever character, Undyne from the game “Undertale”, at the age of 13, and has only evolved from there. The...

Chay’s Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Corsets: constricting not restricting

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2021

The Regency Period is arguably the most romantic period in the history of Great Britain. It was a second renaissance as art and luxury flourished with the grand balls and high-society depicted in infamous...

Senior Haley White tries to play Papa's Wingeria on but finds the game no longer works after the discontinuation of Adobe Flash Player.


Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
January 14, 2021

Game boy and Tamagotchi entertained users for hours throughout the late 80s and early 90s, but the arrival of more advanced computers and tablets ultimately resulted in the death of these devices. Instead...

Senior Nadia Briggs performs her clean and jerk during the competition against Lake Mary.

Girls weightlifting defeats Lake Mary

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
December 9, 2020

On Dec. 5, the girl’s varsity weightlifting team beat Lake Mary, 76-8, and is looking ahead to the SAC championship on Dec. 9 The team has been preparing all year. Going in with a game plan and executing...

Chay’s Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Berets: all the elegance without the accent

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
December 8, 2020

You are eating a croissant over a balcony, a man with a handlebar mustache paints your portrait and calls you his muse; everything is bliss. France is often associated with love, baguettes, and “Ratatouille.”...

Too hot to handle

Too hot to handle

Chanson Cadet and Charlotte Mansur
November 25, 2020

Hot sauce is the Golden Fleece of the culinary world. It has the ability to transform any dish into divine excellence. People with a high spice tolerance understand the importance of the sauce, but with...

Chay’s Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Avoid drip, or drown

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2020

Walking into your first-period class you pass a gaggle of wild teen boys standing in a circle, all wearing different variations of the same brown Michael Kors belt. The one that seems to be the leader...

Celebrities such as: Marshmello, Daft Punk, Sia, Corpse Husband, Dream and the Blue Man Group all hide their identity from the public to maintain a private lifestyle.

The Hannah Montanas of modern media

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
October 23, 2020

CLICK! The lights of the paparazzi blind your vision as you and your childhood friend are trying to leave your local restaurant after what was supposed to be a relaxing afternoon. Questions over who you...

When "Among Us" players are voted off the spaceship you can see their character floating off into space. This screen may also reveal whether or not a player was the imposter depending on  the settings the host selected at the beginning of the game.

Everyone is sus

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
October 13, 2020

After completing your task in electrical, you head into storage to refill a fuel tank, but instead, you are confronted with the dead body of your purple crewmate. With no one else around you, reporting...

Chay's Closet is a recurring column where Staff Reporter Chanson Cadet shares her thoughts on the most recent trends in fashion.

Sweater vests: the sweaty sister to muscle tees

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
October 7, 2020

This past summer’s fashion was less than ideal. People were confined to their homes and the bar for what was acceptable to wear was lowered. Most people wore the same set of pajamas for days at a time,...

The Strawberry dress, created by Lirkia Matoshi has become the dress of the season.

The Strawberry dress: dressed to impress

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
September 23, 2020

The “perfect dress” has long been an unattainable goal. With so many different tastes, it seemed impossible to agree on a single garb, but scrolling through Instagram you finally saw it, the gown that...

Korra along with the original members of her team, Bolin and Mako are featured with their respective bending abilities. Tenzin, the son of Avatar Aang is also shown.

The legend continues

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
September 11, 2020

Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, PBS Kids. Long ago the four children’s networks lived together in harmony, then everything changed when Nickelodeon aired “Avatar the Last Airbender”...

Senior Briana Lopez was on the search for a white tennis skirt. She took a mirror selfie after finally finding one on the website SHEIN.

Fast-fashion, the online mall

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
August 27, 2020

When the trendy cardigan you saw in PacSun for $50 you were able to find online for only a few bucks, it may sound sketchy, but fast-fashion has risen to its peak due to recent events regarding COVID-19....

District plans adjustments for safe learning next year

District plans adjustments for safe learning next year

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
May 26, 2020

After the last quarter of the school year transitioned into online-learning, health-related concerns have generated discussion on how to proceed with all school-related events. Many events have been canceled...

Never have I ever... been more intrigued

Never have I ever… been more intrigued

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
May 10, 2020

In never have I ever, a notorious party game, each participant holds up five fingers and puts them down if they relate to a phrase that the speaker claims to have “never done”. Although lots of Netflix...

Scan this QR code to see a Pinterest board with inspiration on how to style cow print.

Cow print: the next moove in the fashion industry

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
April 26, 2020

After a three-course meal at Olive Garden of unlimited soup, a bowl of Chicken Alfredo, and a slice of chocolate cake the size of your face, your date seems to be in shock. Well, they were shocked after...

Are you still watching?

Are you still watching?

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2020

Grey’s Anatomy, Tiger King, New Girl, Gilmore… junior Lillian Jacques-Baker has always been a binge-watcher. But with quarantine keeping everyone indoors students have relied on binge-watching to keep...

The University of Central Florida reflecting pond is an iconic landmark on campus.

In-state not in-debt

Chanson Cadet, Staff reporter
March 11, 2020

After suffering through five years of elementary school, three years of middle school and four years of high school working to make the best grades and scores possible, participating in clubs and getting...

Lara Jean, Peter and John Ambrose are three of the main characters in "To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You."

P.S. I still love the sequel

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
February 14, 2020

While Valentine’s Day was created by Hallmark to sell cards, Netflix recognized it as the holiday for rom coms. That is why releasing “To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You” two days before the...

Scan this code to see examples of funky pants.

Putting the funk back in funky fashion

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
February 5, 2020

You are staring at your closet, trying to pick out an outfit for your best friend’s 17th birthday at the local skating rink. You want to look cute (quirky even), but all you can find are skinny jeans...

Even on the coldest day of the year, (Jan.21) Sophomore Gaby Witherwite is still able to go outside and play tennis.

No freaking way, this is cold

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
January 24, 2020

The last time, maybe the only time it snowed in South Florida was 40 years ago. Since then, temperatures never drop below the 30s and stay around the 70s even in winter, making t-shirts appropriate attire...

Scan this code to see alternative shoe options to vans.

Is there such a thing as too much skater boy?

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
December 19, 2019

Jared Tyler is the coolest boy in school, a heartthrob skater that could have any girl he wants. He skates to school on his board every day and carries it around so everyone knows that he’s a fan of...

"The Child" plush by Mattel is availiable for pre-order on

I wan Baby Yoda

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
December 19, 2019

After listening to the “Baby Yoda” Tik Tok sound for the twentieth time, it just becomes a part of life. Sending over eighty “I wan fuit gummy” memes to someone you barely know no longer seems...

Junior Bella Wright poses for her head shot taken early November.

Workin’ it

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
December 12, 2019

  “You are so pretty, you should model!”Friends say this to hype up one of their besties to take cute pictures for Instagram or when they come to school with a fresh fit. But a few students...

Scan the image above to see Chay's Pinterest board on trendy turtlenecks.

Turtlenecks: the best way to ward off vampires

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
November 8, 2019

You are in a dark alley, and a man has been following you for the past four blocks. His pale skin looks ghostly in the moonlight, eyes as red as a freshly bloomed rose. There is no doubt in your mind that...

Blazers: easy, breezy and not at all cheesy

Blazers: easy, breezy and not at all cheesy

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
November 8, 2019

Oversized blazers, velvet blazers, cropped blazers, satin blazers, plaid blazers, blazers with belts, etc. Find the blazer style that best suits you and your personality, then rock it. Whether they are...

A different type of anime-tion

A different type of anime-tion

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
November 1, 2019

KA-ME HA-ME HA! As you sit in front of the TV on a Thursday afternoon, your mother is confused to see a show in a different language with animation like nothing she has seen before. You begin to explain...

Sugar, spice, and everything not pumpkin

Sugar, spice, and everything not pumpkin

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
October 17, 2019

In Florida, we do not get the same “fall” as everyone else, which means it stays disgustingly warm year-round. Maybe one palm tree turns a slightly less vibrant green, jackets become acceptable or...

 AP World History teacher Erin Foley helps sophomores Hakim Aburrashid and Diego Garcia with an assignment.

Foley Wins Teacher of the Year

Chanson Cadet, Staff Reporter
October 17, 2019

It is finally sixth period, and students have been wearing their ridiculous get-up all day. As students walk into class they see their peers wearing ugly sweaters featuring various historical figures and...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School
Chanson Cadet