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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

Adeline Davis

Adeline Davis, Student Connections Editor

Adeline Davis is the Student Connections Editor for The Blueprint and has been on staff for three years. During her junior year, she was The Blueprints back page editor and maintained an online Society Misconceptions column. She has also participated in chorus for the past three years, and is a proud member of the creative writing club.

All content by Adeline Davis
Age of Adaline proves timeless

Age of Adaline proves timeless

Adeline Davis, Student Connections Editor
May 14, 2015

Immortality is usually given a hauntingly dark twist with a tragic ending. So, when the lights dimmed and the beginning credits started for The Age of Adaline, I was prepared to walk away scream-crying....

Choir, band prep for MPA performance

Choir, band prep for MPA performance

Adeline Davis, Student Connections Editor
February 17, 2015

In preparation for the Music Performance Assessment in March, the choral and band departments will be hosting their first pre-MPA concert on Feb. 27. The concert will alternate between chorus and band...

The season of giving…the same thing

Adeline Davis, Student Connection Editor
January 6, 2015

It all started with a sparkly pink, karate t-shirt. Savannah and I were 9. The moment I saw the t-shirt, I knew Savannah had to have it. For the whole month of December, I lay awake picturing Savannah’s...

"If I Stay" leaves audiences satisfied

“If I Stay” leaves audiences satisfied

Adeline Davis, Student Connection Editor
September 29, 2014

The ever-changing, crazy prospect of life is a theme which drives the plotline of R.J Cutler’s film If I Stay, based on bestselling 2009 novel by Gayle Forman. An ordinary snow day turns into a life...

Twin Peeves

Adeline Davis, Student Connection Editor
September 29, 2014

The crazed excitement people display when they find out I am a twin is close to madness. Immediately following this realization are hundreds of questions about how me and my sister, Savannah function....

Lucy: Spunky twist on superhero plotlines

Lucy: Spunky twist on superhero plotlines

Adeline Davis, Student Connection Editor
August 28, 2014

Batman underwent extensive martial arts training, Superman possessed Krypton blood, and Spiderman was simply bitten by a spider. Compared to Lucy, these superheroes had easy transformations to their...

Our “Distorted” Generation

Adeline Davis
April 28, 2014

In the 1950s, Elvis Presley shocked the world with his deep voice and literally swinging hips. In fact, these hips became well known for causing hysteric teen girls to faint. Back then, Elvis Presley...

Societal misconceptions

Adeline Davis, Staff Reporter
March 3, 2014

When I was little, the Winter Olympics meant getting to stay up late so I could watch the breathtaking ice-skaters in their sparkly costumes. Now, I spend most of my time fan- girling over Shaun White’s...

Quiet is not a crime

Adeline Davis, Backpage Editor
January 30, 2014

When did being quiet become socially unacceptable? Last time I checked, the loudmouths of the class are the ones who crack inappropriate jokes or get themselves into trouble. Yet, our society still views...

Anonymous Ask.Fm has serious consequences

Adeline Davis, Back Page Editor
November 12, 2013

The typical bully used to be characterized as a hulking kid who pushed people around on playgrounds and stole lunch money. However, with the dawn of social media, bullies can no longer be pegged by their...

Society Misconceptions

Adeline Davis, Back page Editor
October 3, 2013

Whenever I go to the mall, I dread walking past the Victoria’s Secret signs. Not only does it portray an unrealistic image of what girls really look like, but I start to feel bad that I’m not 5 foot...

Chorus hires new director

Adeline Davis, Back page Editor
August 27, 2013

After the sold out British Invasion concert last year, it looked like the chorus program was ending the year on a high note. However, when choir director Blair Bryant announced he was resigning, apprehension...

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Adeline Davis