In this day and age of technological interconnectedness, social media sites have boomed to become big parts of student and adult lives. But selfies, originally known as any photo of yourself taken by yourself,...
There were two goals going into this season: win states and finish at least seventh at nationals. After finishing as runner ups in state and seventh in nationals last year, the girls cheer team was just...
“Sometimes it just feels like the soccer gods are against us,” senior Sydney Schilling said. “It’s not always a matter of who’s better or what the record is. Soccer’s funny sometimes.”
“Everyone just started screaming, no one really thought; we just ran and dog piled. It was a great feeling,” senior Kyle Ings said.
With just over three minutes left in the second overtime of the...
“It was one of those what-if moments,” sophomore Madeline Kemper said. “Like what if this happened to someone and then, it did.”
What if a sophomore student found a large lump under his arm that...