From the creators of the horrendous, tragedy of a Netflix original “The Babysitter” (2017) came the sequel, “The Babysitter: Killer Queen,” and the initial expectations were exceedingly low. After...
It was already shaping up to be the most disliked game pack the Sims 4 had ever released when, on September 8th, “The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu” finally came out.
The new game pack allows...
Amazon Prime’s new drama “Chemical Hearts” misses the mark and leaves audiences wondering how they spent their last 90 minutes. With words like “Chemical and “Hearts” in the title, viewers...
On July 17, the new Netflix fantasy series “Cursed” was released, and it soon soared to number one in Netflix’s top 10 charts. “Cursed” is about a young rebel named Nimue (Katherine Langford)...