"Riverdale" star Camila Mendes plays Katie in a Netflix mystery-thriller "Dangerous Lies," released April 3. Katie, a caregiver, soon finds that her elderly patient left his house to her and her husband...
Skyler Glenn, Assistant News Editor
| October 19, 2020
Dunkin’ Donuts is known for its unconventional menu items—The Charli, frozen hot chocolate, and DIY donuts—but its newest menu item might just be the weirdest and yummiest dessert yet.
Made available...
Anywhere you go—the doctor's office, the barber shop, or the bank—there is always a little glass jar full of lollipops, usually off-brand and filled with disgusting flavors. But, when it comes down...
"Stranger Things" actress Millie Bobby Brown stars as Enola in the new Netflix Original movie "Enola Holmes," a show-stopping film about Sherlock Holmes’ (Henry Cavill) younger sister. Dropped to Netflix...
One of the most successful Korean-Pop music groups, Blackpink, released their newest album “The Album,” and it has taken the world by storm. Released on October 2, “The Album” is the all-girls...