Released in theaters on Oct. 14, “Halloween Ends” closes the “Halloween” franchise a year after “Halloween Kills” built up high expectations for “Halloween” fans. However, like most follow-up...
Trauma after trauma, Ani FaNelli (Mila Kunis) has tried to bury her past deep in the ground. However, all that changes as her past is brought back up in a new documentary, but this time, she gets to tell...
Taking out the book that your friend begged you to read, “Throne of Glass,” you make your way over to your favorite reading spot and open up to the first page. Immediately you are introduced to a cast...
While browsing the aisles of Barnes and Noble, searching for the perfect rom-com, a book catches your eye on the never disappointing BookTok table. You pick up “The Love Hypothesis,” read the summary...
It has been 29 years since the words “We are back, Salem!” have been shouted from the mouths of the Sanderson Sisters. But, as they said, they are back.
Released on Disney Plus Sept. 30, “Hocus...