Tuna melts on seven grain bread and promises of a honey exchange are not the usual topics of discussion for a teenage romantic comedy, yet in “The Perfect Date,” Netflix’s new original movie released...
An unlikable main character, a heap of family problems and an overdose of tragedy make the perfect recipe for a painfully bad story, and Netflix’s “The Land of Steady Habits” only manages to make...
“Sierra Burgess is a Loser” reminds me of pineapple on pizza: there are those who stand by it and others who think that it’s simply too controversial for it to be taken seriously. In regards to...
For some time, there was a drought for rom-com lovers everywhere. While there haven’t been movies like “Love Actually,” “Footloose,” and “The Princess Diaries,” in quite a long time, worry...
Intense action, suspenseful crime, and a heroic superhero: the formula to an amazing Marvel movie. However, Black Panther goes beyond all this to create the best movie of the year.
The main setting...