In Aug. 2018, the disappearance and subsequent murders of Shan’ann, Bella, Celeste, and unborn child Nico Watts made national headlines. Despite the caring and loving husband portrayed on the news, Christopher...
Love has always been a source of great fascination, with its many complexities and meanings. Different interpretations create fiery debate and ignited wars over love of religion, country, freedoms,...
With crashing waves, Earth Giants, and chaos with the four spirits, “Frozen II” has a lot to unpack. It sets up an unexpected storyline, drastically different from the original blockbuster released...
In 2016, Pokémon surged back into mainstream popularity with the mobile game Pokémon Go, where players could become real-life Pokémon trainers and travel across the land and search far and wide for...
WARNING: This review contains spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and wish not to be spoiled, then click away now.
Avengers: Endgame follows the heroes who survived Thanos’...