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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Bringing back Sam and Bucky "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" reveals their next roles in the MCU.

Caps boys are back

Matthew Dearolph | May 9, 2021

A shield left behind signifies one man’s hopes, one woman's fears and the loss of a dear friend and symbol. Released to Disney+ on March 19, “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” is a six, hour-long Marvel...

Re-trampling Tokyo

Re-trampling Tokyo

Sophie Woodburn, Opinions Editor | May 7, 2021

The cliché of any monster movie: unnecessarily destroying an urban city beyond repair. Instead of focusing on writing, most monster movies make the “creative” choice to concentrate their funding towards...

Depending on how someone defines productivity, activities like painting, reading or listening to a wellness podcast can easily qualify as productive. Being "productive" is not strictly limited to schoolwork.

Problematic, not “productive”

Sharika Khondaker, News Editor | May 7, 2021

I can not believe I was so unproductive today.  When these words ring through your head, everything you had done up to that point becomes insignificant. The walk outside, making dinner, reading a book...

Charcasm is a reoccurring column where Online Editor Charlotte Mansur dishes out controversial opinions.

Charcasm: The last hurrah

Charlotte Mansur, Online Editor | May 6, 2021

Whether it was tricking the newspaper staff into eating cricket-protein brownies or facing persecution from my peers after I called their dog a wet tissue, Charcasm has made these past three years quite...

Fired Up!

Fired Up!

Zoey Young, Editor-in-Chief | May 1, 2021

Each morning, we all go through the same routine. Shut off the alarm, wake up twenty minutes later in a groggy panic and quickly get dressed. We might face problems like a curling iron left on the highest...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School