
Mulling over mullets
Joshua Krob, Staff Reporter
| February 2, 2022

Home is where the class is
Janell Lim, News Editor
| January 21, 2022

The cryptic world of crypto
Reagan Eastlick, Staff Reporter
| January 21, 2022
![IEPs and 504s are intended to uplift students that struggle with disabilities. "[Without an IEP] I'd have problems with things like taking tests, and I don't think I'd be able to have a safe space," John said.](https://hhsblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Image-900x900.jpeg)
Accommodating the narrative
Sophia Canabal, Lifestyles Editor
| December 16, 2021

It STEMs from perseverance
Skyler Glenn, Online Editor
| December 15, 2021