Juggling work and education

Sophmore Malou Anderson working backstage at Theater West and making sure the show runs smoothly. She is one of the various students working at a part-time job. (photo by Malou Anderson)

Every student juggles responsibilities: from homework, extracurricular activities, and personal life. But let’s add one more factor to this: a part-time job. Most students enter the workforce for a little extra money and financial freedom, but balancing responsibilities is extremely difficult and exhausting.

Senior Mason Casiano started working at his family business Wholesome Keto Treats last summer. As a part-time mixer, baker, and front staff he believes his family’s involvement has made his work life easier to manage.

My school life hasn’t been too impacted, working part-time at a family-owned business allows me to have flexible hours,” Casiano said. “I have missed out on certain events though, but overall I’ve been able to find a balance between work and school.”

Although he has missed several shifts to attend senior events in April and May, he plans to replace the days he missed with more hours at a later date.

Towards the end of the year, there were a lot of school events that conflict with work events. As a student-athlete as well, I’ve had to take time off of work for practices and meets,” Casiano said. 

Some however aren’t as lucky as Casiano, working as a shift manager at Martins Dreamery Creamery and Coffee House, junior Amanda Barna has experienced the full extent of handling work and school. She has struggled managing work with exam schedules and barely has any free time left after fitting in homework time during the week. 

To find balance, Casiano and Barna try to complete homework at school because of all the time they spend working on the weekend. Having to prioritize their responsibilities from their friends.

Students need to make sure that they feel ready enough to handle the responsibility of having to be somewhere and prioritizing it over friends and time to hang out with them,” Barna said.

With a decently flexible job, junior Diego Osorio has been able to fix conflicts with work and school easily. Working as a GES Research assistant, Osorio prioritizes school while letting his boss know the time he can put on the job. 

My job has allowed me to learn how to manage myself a little better and give me an insight as to what I am capable of taking up with my time,” Osorio said.

Filled with hours of work, sophomore Malou Anderson has attempted to manage school with work to the best of her abilities. She spends long days at work as an assistant director in Theater West End, helping clean up and finish shows smoothly. 

The end of school comes with a lot of exams that make me feel unmotivated and due to my work I can’t study as much as I would like to,” Anderson said. “I try to do my school work and study during the classes I have extra time in.”

Even with a lack of motivation, students find ways to conform to their schedules. After procrastination hits students are able to get back up and follow up with their responsibilities.

“I focus on what I need to do first and not procrastinating helps keep me afloat during exam season,” Barna said. “There can be stressful days but things have to get done so I keep my priorities straight.”

Trying to balance work and school is exhausting. Students need to understand how much they can physically do within their schedule. Being willing to sacrifice free time with friends or simply for themselves adding this new responsibility is not for everyone.

“I would recommend finding a good balance between school and your personal/ social life before adding in the extra stress and responsibilities of a job,” Casiano said. “It can be tough at first to find that balance but over time it’ll get easier.”