
Q&A with new Economics teacher William Bordelon
Ben Clyatt, Sports Editor
| September 2, 2015
![Drum major Isabella Guevara observes the marching band as they rehearse the routines for the Sep. 4 football game. “She voices her opinion a lot more when she’s on the field compared to the other [drum majors]. She’s the one who gets everyone on task,” Caleb Schaefer said.](https://hhsblueprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Feature-Photo-900x600.jpg)
Major update
Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
| August 31, 2015

Summer of growth
Courtney Dziewior, HagertyJourn Online Managing Editor
| August 25, 2015
Olympic Sized Theme
Madeline Kemper, News Editor
| August 20, 2015

The French Connection
Nathaniel Kauffman, Twitter Editor
| August 20, 2015