Key Club holds first meeting, explains service goal

The Key Club met on Tuesday, Sept. 3 for an ice cream social and introduction to the club for the 70 new members. A slideshow presentation by club president Victoria Elliot spoke about what Key Club is and what the club has focused on in the past. The club’s logo, “We don’t make keys, we make a difference,” is representative of its focus on community service and positive impact on the world around them.

“We seek for opportunities to serve our community, and we also do fundraising for group activities,” sponsor Nitza Ariza said.

In the past, Key Club has worked with UNICEF and the Kiwanis Corporation, the international version of Key Club. Their current project is to help raise funds to eliminate  maternal and neonatal  tetanus, and disease which kills over 61,000 new mothers and infants who contract a bacterial infection in a wound or umbilical cord after an unsterile delivery. Kiwanis hopes to raise $110 million for the cause.

Key Club will also attend a leadership conference that instructs members on “how to change the world in just two days.” The date for the event has not been set yet.

Key Club meets on the third Thursday of every month after school in 3-219. The next meeting will be on Sept. 24.