A monthly holiday

Since its premiere in Sept. 2008, Cupcake Friday has endured with the help of tasty cupcakes and friendly volunteers.

Cupcake Friday has come back year after year, proving successful by adding more types of cupcakes, thereby raising the amount of money earned.

“Students love Cupcake Friday,” senior activities cupcake chairperson Lauren Wise said. “It’s great to see the smiles on the kids’ faces when they see us set up once a month on Fridays.”

Besides satisfying the students with all of the funds raised go toward senior activities. Already, it has provided food for Paws on the Wall and hosted A Night with a Hypnotist. Later on, the Cupcake Friday committee will provide the Senior Breakfast and Grad Bash. Cupcake Friday raises about $500 a month and throughout the year has raised, $3,614.

“The cupcake sales are definitely beneficial,” senior class president Christian Rosa said. “It’s useful towards the entire class.”

The cupcakes profitability is due largely to the many options of cupcakes to choose from. They can range from standard vanilla and chocolate to cupcakes with ladybugs or Despicable Me minion characters on them.

“The cupcakes have really changed since I was an underclassmen,” senior Rachel Morgan said. “There has been a lot of added excitement for us.”

Every time Cupcake Friday has happened this year, students have pushed and shoved through the large lunch crowds to get their desired choice.

“It can be chaotic at times,” senior leadership student Alexis George said. “It’s fun to have a cupcake every once in a while.”

The cupcakes are enjoyable to most, but those with food allergies are usually left out.

“We do ask that those who donate cupcakes make special cupcakes, but we hope that students know that if they have an allergy, to stay away from certain cupcakes,” Wise said.

Freshman Brooke Mastenbaum, who is gluten free, is not very pleased by this.

“They had gluten free cupcakes the first Cupcake Friday this year, but not again since,” Mastenbaum said. “They were really good, but they don’t offer them anymore.”
Though Cupcake Friday is not for everyone, overall it brings students closer.

“It gives students a common thing to get excited about, especially when the cupcakes are only 50 cents,” Morgan said.

Sometimes though, seniors do not even have to pay the 50 cents. During the seniors’ birth month, they will receive one free cupcake of their choice.

Without the parents of course, Cupcake Friday would not even happen. Wise sends out an email every month to all parents of students, asking for donations of cupcakes, whether homemade or bought from the store. Most of the donations come from parents of senior students.

Cupcake Friday has sold out six out of seven times this year. With the help of Wise, Rosa and others on the senior activities committee, it will continue next year.
The next Cupcake Friday will be March 27 and the final one of the year will be April 24.