America needs to do more to assist Ukrainians

Veronika Maynard, From the Left

War is something that can traumatize nations for generations. It devastates the lives of millions, leaving wounds that never heal. It is a terror that shouldn’t have to be faced by anyone. But the actions of one man is once again forcing hundreds of thousands of people to rush to the frontlines to defend their country, their families.

And this leaves the rest of the world to try to figure out the next steps to tiptoe around a possibility of complete and total war. Russian President Vladimir Putin has made that difficult by threatening nuclear warfare with any country that interferes in the war. Nevertheless, many countries have offered their support, placing sanctions against Russia. Even the historically neutral Switzerland broke neutrality to show solidarity for Ukraine.

As a Ukrainian, I want as much supplies, weapons, and aid as possible to be sent to Ukraine to end the war quickly – with as little casualties and destruction as possible. Every day that passes by, I hear of more horrific deaths – made much worse with the knowledge that the people I care about remain trapped in Ukraine. Interference into the war would end it much faster, but as an American, I don’t want a third world war to possibly be sparked. Especially after the devastation of the second world war that left the earth with the threat of nuclear attack.

It is that threat that made it impossible for Ukraine to join NATO, at least not any time in the near future. Because if they do, a third world war would be completely unavoidable. If Ukraine becomes a part of NATO, NATO must involve themselves in the current war to defend NATO territory. And even if the war ends, Ukraine still won’t be able to join NATO because if they do the Kremlin will start a new war to keep Ukraine out and keep NATO as far away from Russian borders as possible.

At the moment, it appears one of the only ways for this war to end without it escalating is if Putin surrenders. Which doesn’t seem likely. Otherwise it looks like the war won’t end without another country becoming officially involved or Putin’s death. If Putin does manage to take Ukraine, I am certain he will not be stopping there, and that he then will make plans (if he hadn’t already) to spread to another former soviet country.

Right now, more than 4.3 million people have been forced to flee Ukraine. And that number is only going to increase. One of the best ways western countries can help Ukraine without directly interfering (outside of sending military and humanitarian supplies), is by helping the refugee crisis, which is the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. Most refugee accommodations at the moment only offer a place to rest for five days. And in most cases, that isn’t enough time for people to figure out a way to settle.

Outside of directly helping people, America and other countries shouldn’t involve themselves into the war. They should increase the aid they send, but right now the risks of joining the war outweigh the risks of staying out. Although that is liable to change in the future.

The world becomes smaller day by day with increased globalization and the internet. If people in America think war overseas will not impact them, they need to reevaluate, because this war does not just involve Ukraine. It is a culmination of the tyrannical leadership in Russia, and it does involve the rest of the world and us.