Baseball wins preseason classic

photo by Alexis Madlang

Centerfielder Cameron King rounds third as he makes his way towards home. King and the rest of the lineup manufactured several hits and runs leading the team to a win.

Varsity baseball secured an 8-5 win over Deltona in preseason action at Lake Mary on Feb. 15. Leading up to the game, practices focused on the fundamentals and repetition. 

“Repetition, repetition, repetition… our players compete every day with one another. [The] team is more experienced than last year and they understand what it takes to face adversity,” head coach Mike Sindone said. 

They started out their last season with a losing record until they got their first win, March 9, against Oviedo. They kept a winning streak until the end of their season, and won the spring break tournament

The boys set the tone in the game by putting up two runs in the first two innings and not allowing Deltona to score until the fifth inning. 

Utility player Dylan Strickland scored the first run of the game. The whole lineup did their job, which helped facilitate the win, the players and coaches said. 

“We will do well if we continue playing our level of baseball every game and not play down to other teams,” outfielder Talan Bell said. 

The fourth inning was decisive, as the team was running on two outs for a long time. A mix of walks and hits ended the inning with 7 runs on the board. The boys thought they showed solid defense and believe this will play a strong role in the season. 

“After our late success last season, we will have a target on our backs,” Sindone said. “How we handle that as a team will go a long way. If our players stay true to who they are as a player, we do very well.” 

Baseball’s first game of their regular season is Feb. 22 in the Husky Challenge versus Windermere at home. Tickets can be purchased on

Head coach Mike Sindone is talking to the team in between innings. The team beat Deltona 8-5 in their preseason game. Photo by Alexis Madlang.
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