Singing at states

On April 16, sophomores Sarah Injo and Annalycia Franklin traveled to UNF at 9 a.m. to compete in the State Solo and Ensemble Chorus Competition. The pair performed a two song duet and won a Superior in the competition, which featured schools from all over Florida.

“We even got a superior plus, which meant we got to sing at a recital and get pins for doing so well,” Franklin said.

Along with Franklin and Injo, sophomore Leslie Gallagher went to the State Solo and Ensemble, earning a superior on her solo.

While at the competition each singer or ensemble had to sing before a judge. Throughout the judging process, the judges gave advice to the students to help them improve.

The first piece that Franklin and Injo sang was called ”Scarborough Fair” by Jay Althouse; and to prepare, Franklin and Injo rehearsed twice a week for three weeks before the competition with chorus teacher Victoria Rathbun.

“We actually thought about the real meaning of the two songs we sang, and that is how we improved,”Injo said.

Despite all the preparation, the duet singers were sick right before the competition.

“We couldn’t stay awake because we were sick, but once we got there we got our adrenaline going and started to warm up,” Franklin said.

And after warming up, the two singers dominated their duet and impressed the judge, making their superior even more surprising.