Senior activities update

It is becoming increasingly difficult to make concrete plans concerning many senior events that many have been looking forward to for years.
School is officially ending this week after a full quarter of online learning and as seniors submit their last assignments the weight of ‘officially’ graduating is setting in, causing a lot of questions about a graduation ceremony, prom and the Sammy’s.
These last events are a final goodbye to friends, teachers and mentors before moving onto the next step of life. Principal Frasca provided some answers to these questions in a mass email sent out on May 22nd.
Frasca announced that a virtual alternative to graduation will take place on June 15th. This was later refuted by an update from the school board on May 26th. According to the SCPS website “We are still releasing our virtual graduation on or about July 1 and moving forward with our stadium graduation backup date of July 17 (July 18 for Crooms).” Pushing the date of a graduation back another full month. The ceremony will include a live stream presentation of photos sent in by seniors and their parents and announcement of their names. There will be an option to share the ceremony on multiple social media platforms with friends and family.
As for prom the website stated that all dances would take place on July 16th and would be free to seniors.
For other senior activities there is not a lot of information regarding how far they will be pushed back or if they will even take place at all. More information is said to come in June regarding the events.
“The only thing that leadership is participating in planning is Sammy’s before the senior dance and are waiting for directions from administration on when it will occur and if we will proceed,” said Abby O’donnell a Junior in leadership.

The school board has the main say in these circumstances, so the waiting game is set to continue.
Seniors returned textbooks, picked up yearbooks, and received a special senior edition of the Blueprint on May 26th to honor their last year at Hagerty and sadly for many seniors they may have already walked the halls of Hagerty as a husky for the last time.