New year, same goals

When we hear someone say, “New year, new me,” our common response is along the lines of, “Ugh, you are not going to change.” 

Just because it is a new year does not mean you are going to be a different person, regardless of how many resolutions you make. There are memes created every year to mock those who think they can change overnight. 

Creating New Year’s resolutions is not a bad thing however. It shows character and that you want to change yourself for the better, but the repeated failure to complete New Year resolutions has added a negative connotation to the whole idea. 

To reduce the negative feedback you may get from telling someone you want to go to the gym more, make a resolution to introduce this goal later in the year. Any moment is a good time to make a goal, but the best will be when other big changes happen. 

 Change throughout the year with regards to jobs, school, athletics and , represent good opportunities. The ending of a sports season for instance is a great time to make a goal to keep working on your technique or fitness during the off-season. If your grades are down in the dumps, the new semester makes sense, but act as soon as possible and start small. For example, start by turning in homework on time or studying the week of a test rather than the night before. 

An achievable goal is set when it has relevant timing. A successful way to approach a goal will be separating it into manageable pieces and spreading them throughout the year. Set a time frame for your long term to short term goals and limit your procrastination. Such as, starting to read more. Start by reading a couple pages a week, then transition into days, and eventually you will have built up to reading entire books in a month. 

Another tip for people tired of wrecking resolutions by mid-January, goals do not have to spontaneously appear. Expanding on previous goals during the year, successful or unsuccessful, is just as effective as creating new ones. Even reviving failed goals that you want to start back up again works. For instance, when you give up on a diet due to the urge or cravings of your “No-No” foods, start back up and have more discipline. 

Don’t be afraid to create goals over time to break the cycle of New Year’s Resolution failure. Utilize the change through the year to be more successful in accomplishing your goals.