Seniors paint Paws on the Wall

photo by Sarah Hinnant

Taylor Marshal (right) and Sarah Chandler (left) pose for their boomerang.

Seniors dipping their hands into Hagerty blue paint, creates the same feeling they had when they used to finger painting in kindergarten. Putting their hand prints on the wall marks this as the beginning of the end to their educational experiences.

The tenth annual ‘Paws on the Wall’ took place Tuesday Oct. 3, and seniors got to leave their mark by dipping their hands in paint then putting them onto the wall and signing their names in sharpie. This tradition started 10 years ago and happens every Tuesday of the Homecoming week. 

Committee members of the ‘Senior Activities Committee’, including Monique Lee, Allison Ramsey, Nancy Tucker and Christy Caldwell, were in charge of organizing the event. Since this was an after school activity, some seniors were not able to make it or did not go because they had after school events or already left school. Next year, according to assistant principal Christy Bryce, administration may move it to the middle of the day, like they did with pep rallies, to get more students to attend. 

For the past four Paws on the Wall events, seniors put their hand prints on banners to be hung up in the cafeteria for the rest of the year. This year’s paws got to go back up onto the walls because principal Robert Frasca wants to give the prints more meaning than just a poster. 

“I just loved the overall idea of it and that we were able to put our hand prints on the actual wall,” senior Grace Stoner said.

Since this is one of the first true senior events of the year, it made it more of a reality for the seniors.

“I had a bittersweet feeling. I was so happy to be taking part in it, but it made me realize that I’m truly leaving high school after all of the experiences I have had,” senior Desiree Ali said.

For seniors, the hand prints represent the impact they have had at Hagerty. 

“I loved the feeling of signing my name on the wall and leaving a physical legacy for me to be remembered by,” Ali said.

Pose for the Post
Taylor Marshal (right) and Sarah Chandler (left) posing for their boomerang.
First Coat
Kam Macaw paints his hand and gets ready to put his hand print on the wall.
Blue Paw
Isabel Perez aligns her hand before pressing it onto the wall.
Black Paw
Jocelyn Aguila slaps her hand to the wall, for a good finish.
Lydia Whippie signing her name next to her hand print, leaving her mark.
Finishing Touch
Klaus Xhumarri signs his name above his hand print.
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