Debate landslide victory

On Nov. 9 the debate team not only took home nine trophies, more than any other school, but dominated the Lincoln Douglas category with first, second, and third place all won by novice sophomore debaters.

“The team did really well,” senior Samantha Daniel said. “We had people out there really representing Hagerty and I’m so proud to be considered captain of such a mature, smart, and dedicated group of debaters.”

As sophomores Madeline Ninno, Mira Saad and Hannah VanBuren won third, second and first in the Lincoln Douglas event respectively, sophomores Rashada Ky and Kendall Hiatt took home second for their Public Forum team, helping the team dominate debate events across the board.

As for Interpretive Events, sophomore Brett Hansen took home two trophies, one for best novice and one for second place overall, junior Shamara Bawa won second place for Humorous Interpretation, and sophomore Sophie Hill won second place for Oratorical Declamation.

The team, supervised by English teacher Julie Love, has not only taken home first place novice Lincoln Douglas trophies since the beginning of the season, but, has consistently had more than five people place in the top three for their events.

“It’s a great feeling, taking home a trophy,” Saad said. “It’s like all the hard work and practicing and 12 hours of competing on a Saturday has finally paid off, and you feel so proud and happy at the same time. It’s the epitome of debate’s benefits all in one shiny trophy you get to call yours.”