CLINT(W)IN: attacks on Clinton unfounded

Hillary Clinton speaks on the campaign trail. She will appear in the first general election at Hofstra University on Sept. 26.

photo by LSE US Centre

Hillary Clinton speaks on the campaign trail. She will appear in the first general election at Hofstra University on Sept. 26.

Accusations, insults, and even downright hatred are just a few of the things the 2016 presidential candidates are facing as the election approaches. But the infamy gathered by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is unfounded, unfair and, in some cases, the information given to the public is simply false.

When arguing that Clinton is unsuited to be president, many claim that she is not to be trusted, and that her political track record is filled with shady deals. These potential scandals are by far overshadowed by the vast amounts of good Hillary has done during her time in the political sphere.

As first lady, Hillary was actively involved in politics. She attended the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women, and gave a groundbreaking speech that inspired women across the world. She also pushed her husband to secure $20 million in order to rebuild New York and pay for first responders’ health bills after 9/11. Hillary Clinton advocates for women’s rights and works to make the democracy work for everyone.

When people call Clinton a liar, they often use it as their main reason to vote against her. This isn’t a fair accusation, as all politicians are guilty of lying to some degree. According to Politifacts, a site that checks politician’s statements against various sources to determine their degree of truth, Clinton is more honest than both current president Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. People are holding Clinton to an unfair standard due to her political experience, treating every one of her lies as a hidden scheme to win the nomination, while they dismiss every one of Trump’s lies as ignorance. This double standard gives the public only one side of the story, publicizing her lies and quickly dismissing Trump’s.

One of the accusations people throw at Clinton is that she is only doing well because she is a woman. How can this be true when numerous women candidates, such as Gracie Allen and Shirley Chisholm, have failed to win the nomination in the past? Even this year, a female candidate ran for the Republican nomination and failed. Clinton has set herself apart from these other women through her policies and goals, as well as her strong history in politics. Clinton has been a senator, a first lady, and a Secretary of State. Her history in politics will help Clinton put her policies into action once she wins the election.

None of this makes Clinton guiltless. Throughout her political career, she has inevitably made mistakes, some of which have had very real consequences. What people often fail to realize is that these mistakes have taught her important lessons. For example, Clinton clearly made a mistake when she used her private email account, but it is highly unlikely that she would ever make the same or a similar mistake again. Chances are, Clinton will use even more security than necessary in the future to avoid similar situations. It seems far more likely that Trump–who is well known for saying whatever he pleases, regardless of the repercussions–would spill national secrets in one of his tirades than that Clinton would ever put national security at risk again.

Every president has flaws and faces accusations. Despite this, Clinton continues to pursue the presidency, showing that she won’t shy away from the pressure. It’s this determination that makes Clinton a good candidate for the presidency, and what will eventually make her one of the strongest presidents the U.S. has ever had if she is elected.