Ninth annual Art Exhibit runs through August

The National Arts Program is sponsoring the ninth Annual Art Exhibit at the county service building in Sanford. The pieces of art being shown were created by Seminole County teachers, students, employees and employees’ family members.

Some of the categories include youth/teen, adult amateur, and adult professional. The categories that people have entered include paintings, drawings, photos, sculptures, and mixed media.

Cash prizes have been rewarded to those who placed in first, second, or third and the Best of Show, and honorable mentions and scholarships were awarded as well.  The winning pieces are available to view online at the National Arts Program’s website.

The exhibit began on August 1st and pieces can be viewed from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. until August 30th . Admission to the exhibit is free, though a few artists have the opportunity to sell their work during the showing.