Modeling the world

Modeling and simulation grows its program

A student works in the Mod and Sim lab. Mod and sim is very interactive and based on projects.

photo by Chatham Farrell

A student works in the Mod and Sim lab. Mod and sim is very interactive and based on projects.

Saving billions of dollars in technology at the click of a button is what the Modeling and Simulation program is all about. Mod and Sim is a breakthrough scientific field, and the school’s program allows students to jumpstart their careers in the industry. The class takes real world events and programs such as testing an airplane, and using this program they are able to simulate the airplane instead of actually having to build it.

“Modeling and Simulation really allows you to go in and create,” teacher Lindsey Spalding said. “You can run real life simulations without having to have real equipment or real people.”

Mod and Sim is expanding its role into scientific fields such as healthcare and transportation. Mod and Sim used to not be used in these fields because of the lack of technology available. Through innovation of such technology, these programs are able to utilize Mod and Sim in their work.  The simulation aspect allows medical schools to simulate surgeries and other procedures without testing on real people. It can be used to build cars and different transportation systems, plan highways, roads and even airplanes.

“[Mod and Sim] provides a good groundwork for anyone who is going into the technology field,” senior Victoria Guise said.

The program has recently gone under a major renovation. Previously one room with only 60 students, Mod and Sim is now three rooms and over 200 students, tripling the size of the program. They also got a 3D printer, so the students have the capability to make what they create such as models of roads or games they create. They are also working with virtual reality systems as part of their Mod and Sim training and the students are able to apply what they learn in the classroom.

“I would recommend this class to everyone because a lot of us don’t know we have an interest because it’s so dynamic you can be an artist, you can be a programmer, you can be an engineer, you can have any of those aspects or thought processes to find a place in here,” Spalding said.

There is no prerequisite required to join the program. The first class available is the foundation level, where all the programs and technologies are learned. There is almost no homework because the programs are only accessible through school, so it should not take much time outside of class.

“The students here are unique to this program- a lot of them have high emphasis on technology compared to other classes,” senior Bryce Amon said. “The main focus of this class is computers and new things that you probably wouldn’t have found yesterday.”

Modeling and simulation is a field that is rapidly growing in almost every industry and these students are not wasting any time getting involved in it. The program offers a bright future to many students and future programmers, with jobs being available in high-paying fields such as medical, energy and cybersecurity. Modeling and Simulation really offers a chance to succeed in the world and the program wants everyone to be a part of that.

“[Modeling and Simulation] is the program of influence at Hagerty and it’s the specialized program so I thought it was really interesting. I’ve always been interested in technology and engineering so I thought it would be a good place to start getting into animation and modeling,” Guise said.