Fanfare of the Trump-eteers

High School students who align with Donald Trump find themselves constantly at odds with their peers and have broader political views as a result.

Looming beyond 2015 is next year’s presidential campaign, a set of events that sophomore Chris Rogers has dubbed “the year of the outsider”, and true to Rogers’ label, the Republican Party has had an unusual sort of frontrunner mania – one adorned with a blonde comb-over and a burgeoning fanbase comprised of adults and children and everything in between.

The candidate is far from a political insider: Donald Trump, the renowned and recently renounced business mogul, is the closest the public will find to an “outsider”. However, his abrasive nature has made him the most frequently ridiculed nominee for the GOP. The school zone is not free of Anti-Trump sentiment either, as many students who have been subjected to this sort of political discrimination can attest to.

To illustrate, sophomore Ella Plasse, a fan of Trump, said she has been called a “racist lover” for her views.

“People don’t react well when I tell them my political beliefs,” Plasse said.

For such Trump supporters, though, labels prove futile in changing opinions. In spite of the growing Trump contempt and potential social repercussion, a select few students continue to speak on their political preference.

While students like Rogers and Plasse contribute greatly to Trump’s performance, registered Republican voters are almost evenly split between Carson and Trump. Provided via Wall Street Journal


Rogers, an atheist who refuses to consider himself conservative but believes a politician like Trump is what the country needs, finds himself “annoyed by people’s tendency to argue” with him on his Trump affiliation. Rogers asserts that the lack of seriousness with which people regard Trump results in them “misinterpreting” his stance, in a way.

“Everyone makes baseless Trump arguments about racism or sexism,” Rogers said. “I think he simply confronts a reality where illegal immigrants are an issue along with radical Islam.”

Though Trump supporters differ in background, they all unanimously agree that the candidate’s greatest strength lies in his “uninformed but unpolitical” manners, as Rogers would say.

“The moment I saw him speak, I could tell he was completely more straight forward than the other candidates,” sophomore Jarrett Prachell said.

His appeal to students comes from his deviations of the political norm.

“He may come across as racist or rude, but if you think about what he’s saying rather than how he says it you’ll realize he’s right about immigration and the economy,” Plasse said.

For the majority of Trump’s opposers, however, his distastefully “honest” rhetoric is not enough to justify the underlying message of his speeches.

“He calls [Mexican immigrants] rapists and groups them in the same category as illegal aliens for wanting to move to a better country,” sophomore Lyneris Otero said. “He still comes off as racist even if he is outright about it.”

While Trump cannot appeal to every spectrum of politically involved students, the same personality that seems to alienate potential newcomers is the primary component in how he maintains his current audience. Rogers has a distinct view on Trump’s pompousness, claiming that what is frequently perceived as Trump’s egotism is in fact an indicator of his success.

“Trump was vastly successful in business and establishing a brand; consequently, he has a big ego,” Rogers said.

On a political front, the supporters are slightly more complex. As expected, Rogers differs from Trump on the concept of abortion, identifying as pro-choice and only willing to settle for abortion solely in circumstances of rape and incest.

Plasse is equally pro-choice, acknowledging that while Trump can “look out for unborn babies,” it is ultimately not his decision; although, the debate on abortion is not enough to drive a proper wedge between the two and their political ideologies.

In addition to their choice of nominee, both agree that they don’t care much for the cultural phenomenon Bernie Sanders, a Democratic candidate steadily gaining momentum in the wake of post hurricane-Hillary madness.

“We’ve fallen in a hole, and electing a socialist or liberal will put us deeper,” Rogers said.

Plasse, who views Sanders as a viable alternative, thinks he simply has not done enough to truly persuade her.

“Sanders is too ordinary,” Plasse said. “I can see the same old processes. Trump offers a new perspective and idea that will change the country rather than round its issues in a circle.”

Trump fans in Oviedo are unfazed in their pursuit for what they consider to be a political necessity. Over the next few months, their opinions could witness major changes – but regardless, their loud and challenging fanfare won’t go unnoticed by the locals, which time will prove to either be beneficial or even more of a minor obstacle in their daily lives.

“He’s looking out for the future of America,” Plasse said. “My future in America.”