Marching band premieres

A sea of black polo shirts and sunlight glinting off the brass of instruments signaled the opening of marching band’s season.  What is known to many students as just the half time show becomes the theme song for band as it marches through the season.

On Saturday, Aug. 2, the marching band held a premier of this year’s show, “Jekyll and Hyde,” for parents and friends of band members.  The show includes music from the musical, based off the book by Robert Louis Stevenson.  Although the premier show is normally held in Sam Momary Stadium, this year it took place on the practice field.

Learned during band camp, which ran from Monday, July 28 to Saturday, Aug. 2, the first half of the show was performed to show off what had been accomplished in a short amount of time.

“It gives us experience for what it may be like at a football game because it makes you a little nervous.  It’s always our first time performing the show together on the field, so it makes us all excited for football games and competitions,” drum major Leslie Gallagher said.

The majority of the band’s competitions take place in October and include the Seminole County Marching Festival, the Marching Music Performance Assessment and the Colonial Competition.

“[The show] will be more enjoyable than last year’s classical selections.  The show will explore the good and evil which reside in everyone,” senior trumpet player Casey Stuart said.

The student body will see the show for the first time at the football game against Lyman on Friday, Aug. 29.