The Cut of Study Hall

The buzz around school about school registration is normally about the new courses that have been developed. But this year the buzz was about the cut of a favorite elective; study hall.

            Study hall was created to be a filler period for students, where students have the ability to study and get homework done. Many students signed up for the class so that they could get their work done at school, especially on sports teams and after school extra circulars.

            “The class has helped me to get my work done, without it I would be stressed out,” junior, Hope Bryant said. “It also has allowed me more time after school, which helps me release stress as well.”

            Study hall was cut because of the lack of an end of course exam, which is going to be required for all classes, elective and non-elective, next year.

But for many students, they signed up for the class because of the lack of free time after school. Study hall allowed students who did not have free time, such as the students who have jobs, play sports, or other time consuming activities, to be able to handle both school and work.

            “I work right after school, and without study hall, it’s not possible for me to do homework,” junior Lyndsey Lewis said. “Study hall helps me so that I don’t need to worry about things like that.”

            Student athletes also took advantage of the class.

            “I honestly was looking forward to having Study Hall, my grades have been hard to balance along with sports,” freshman, Harper Robertson said.

            Without this class, students will be put into a position of grades versus sports, or grades versus jobs. This would take a toll on the student’s life.

            “I just really like the class, without it, things would get tough,” Bryant said.