District plans adjustments for safe learning next year

After the last quarter of the school year transitioned into online-learning, health-related concerns have generated discussion on how to proceed with all school-related events. Many events have been canceled or changed to accomodate the recent pandemic

On Wednesday, May. 27,  the freshman, sophomores and juniors had the opportunity to return their textbooks as well as pick up yearbooks from 10 am to 2 pm. Last names A-L reported to the car ramp for this event, while those with the last name M-Z reported to the auditorium curb.

Although there was a previous opportunity for students to collect their books from their locker, those that were unable to will not face any consequences.According to Assistant Principal Jesse Walker, all lockers have been cleared out and the textbooks students left behind have been returned to the media center.

However, any student who is not able to make it to the set date should be sure to return all books to the school before the start of the coming school year.

Unlike previous years, this year summer school will be conducted virtually through the PLATO platform.

“We will have teachers working with students in the virtual environment,” Walker said. “In addition to summer school, we will have blended course work designed for our incoming advance opportunity students as well as for the transition program.”

Depending on the progression of the virus, many things normally conducted in person could be switched to online. This includes schedule pickup which may be conducted virtually using Skyward rather than having students come in to collect a hard copy. Parking passes, normally sold at the end of the school year and at schedule pickup, will be via eCampus for juniors and seniors. More information about parking passes will be announced later this week.

The Superintendent has established multiple committees to discuss these topics and I am hopeful that some decisions will be made in the coming weeks,” Principal Robert Frasca said.

How the coming school year will look is still being decided. Several different options are being evaluated by the SCPS reopening task force which Walker is a part of .

“We hope that life can return to normal soon,” Walker said. “Nevertheless, we are planning for all possibilities whether that is a full return to brick and mortar, a blending distance learning model, or complete virtual.”

Though subject to change, the current start date for the upcoming school year is Monday, Aug. 10. Schools continue to prioritize health when it comes to the reopening procedures.

“I have told our staff that the only thing I am sure of is that this will be a very different start to a school year then we have ever seen before,” Frasca said.  “We need to be ready to be flexible and to work with our students and our families the best we can.“