ICE awards postponed until 2015

For six years, TV Production classes have joined together to put on ICE Awards which along with providing entertainment and recognition for student excellence in video production, also earned TV Production money through ticket sales. ICE Awards featured student’s videos ranging from music videos to comedies to trailers, and was essentially run by students.
On average 60 to 70 students submitted videos to ICE Awards on, and some submitted multiple videos.
Every grade had a different job in the program, with seniors taking control, but along with concentrating on other projects this year, not enough seniors signed up to participate to run it.
“The ICE Awards take a lot of time to prepare for, and when people don’t want to join to help, ICE will not be full of its usual quality,” junior Kelly Broderick said.
Normally ICE Awards would have happened in February, but this year TV production teacher Donna Parker has decided the class will take a year off.
“With having such a diverse and busy program this year, I decided to bring it back next year bigger and better,” Parker said.
There is not a replacement for ICE Awards, but Seminole County is hosting its own TV Awards. Unlike ICE awards, which was open to only Hagerty students, this award contest is open to all Seminole TV Production classes, including middle and high school to submit videos through their teachers.
Other students may also submit videos with Parker’s approval, and the deadline is Friday, March 14.