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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

Victoria Tomeo

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor

Victoria is now a senior at Hagerty and this is her second year on staff. She attended the Atlantic Center for the Arts last summer and spends her time doing photography, listening to music and reading her AP Lit books. She hopes to pursue a career in photo journalism.

All content by Victoria Tomeo
Students, teachers, local law enforcement, and family gathered at Round Lake Park to hold a vigil for sophomore Chris Johnson on Monday, April 17.

Students and teachers remember sophomore Chris Johnson

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
May 11, 2017

On Saturday, May 6 at 2 p.m., students, teachers, administrators, friends and family gathered together in the courtyard for a memorial that recognized sophomore Christopher Johnson. The Action Church staff,...

A participant of the Women's March demonstration at Lake Eola sports one of the infamous pussyhats.

[Photo] In defense of ‘white feminism’ and silly pink hats

Peyton Whittington, Managing Editor
April 3, 2017

A participant of the Women's March demonstration at Lake Eola sports one of the infamous pussyhats.

Senior Kellen Marini prepares to lift 200+ lbs at the FHSAA District Championships at Lake Brantley on Jan 12.

Facing a crossroad

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
March 27, 2017

She’s at the state championships. She closes her eyes and hears the crowd cheering her on and thinks of how the principal will be saying her name over the intercom for the entire school to celebrate....

Junior Danielle Muse signs during ASL class. Muse first attended a silent dinner last year and enjoyed every minute. Members of any ASL class, or anyone who knows sign language, can attend silent dinners on the first Tuesday of each month.

Signs of greatness

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
December 21, 2016

Imagine having dinner with complete strangers. Imagine eating across from your teacher. Imagine that nobody is talking the entire night. ASL students, and even some who are not, attend events called silent...

Band director Brad Kuperman conducts the band for a performance on stage for the annual Rhapsody in Blue concert on Friday, Dec. 2.

Annual Rhapsody in Blue concert sleighs

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
December 5, 2016

On Friday, Dec. 2, Jazz I and II hosted the annual Rhapsody in Blue concert. Much like shows in previous years, students incorporated the entire auditorium to perform the songs and added details to every...

The cast of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" stands together during a scene during their dress rehearsal on Wednesday, Nov. 3. Night rehearsals like this one were frequent and mostly done the week of and before the opening night.

Mystery solved

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
November 7, 2016

It is 11 p.m. when senior Sarah Halverson finally gets back to her car. For the last 12 hours she has been rehearsing a combination of songs for the fall musical not for one character, but two. Not for...

As seniors Sarah Halverson and Julia Dansereau flaunt their flannel shirts and chokers, some teachers have noticed that more and more students are  wearing these trends and are forced to consider the possibility that maybe the '90s never left at all.

Smells like retro spirit

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
October 18, 2016

From crop tops to chokers to graphic tees, you would be surprised what you can find in a thrift store these days. It may seem like frosted tips and CDs are far in the past, but according to recent trends,...

A trending Twitter photo of a senior in Dallas, TX  who painted her parking spot off a Drake album served as an inspiration to students who were excited to hear about the initial announcement.

Spot the difference

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
October 14, 2016

The news that administration was allowing seniors to paint their parking spots was exciting. But just as students began to daydream designs, announcements regarding limitations surfaced and drove many...

The most recent trip, to Eastern Europe, included tours to the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.  While in Berlin, Germany, the group got to visit the Berlin Wall before making the hours-long trip back home.

Foley flies far

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
September 21, 2016

The weather outside is dry and cold unlike the soupy, moisture-filled air in Florida. Senior James Hynes has a jacket that is wrapped around him loosely and a camera that is ready and waiting for the tour...

Junior Maria Puccio Ball finishes 37th at Seminole State and 4th for the girls varsity team on Saturday Sept. 17.

Cross country team moves to improve after SSC race

Victoria Tomeo, Lifestyles Editor
September 18, 2016

On Saturday, Sept. 17, the cross country team ran their standard 5k against neighboring schools such as Boone and Lake Brantley for their fourth race of the season at Seminole State. Even though the results...

After just a handful of weeks since the tragic massacre, the Pulse Nightclub continues to collect candles, signs, messages and visitors from around the world.

One Pulse

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
August 9, 2016

Boddiford stands tall after winning the Seminole County Swimmer of the Year award for the third time in a row on Thursday, May 19. This award is sponsored by Bright House Sports Network and is given to athletes every year for their hard work and dedication.

Race to qualify

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
May 31, 2016

It is 6 a.m. when she dives into the icy pool. The grogginess of the morning adds a weight to her shoulders but with each stroke of her arm, the pressure wanes. After a training session and eight hours...

Fresh meat

Fresh meat

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
May 31, 2016

Freshman Reagan Pomp is not new to the science world. However, in a class full of juniors and seniors, Pomp has had to learn to adapt in Sarah Evans’ Experimental Science class and also how to employ...

Taking a step back

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
May 15, 2016

Imagine walking through the hallways and hearing your voice being mocked behind you. Imagine holding back your feelings on social media because your peers will ridicule you. Imagine that everything you...

Students stomp through Dublin, Ireland during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, the kick-off event of the four-day festival. Marching band traveled to perform in the international celebration the day before the parade.

Band stomps across Ireland

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
April 11, 2016

Traveling to a country you have never been to can be scary, but performing in a national parade while the majority of the world is watching is even more terrifying. The marching band spent six days in...

On Jan. 11, Baltz plays a game of Sudoku during her last round of chemotherapy at Arnold Palmer Hospital.

Facing the odds

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
February 12, 2016

On Jan. 11, Baltz plays a game of Sudoku during her last round of chemotherapy at Arnold Palmer Hospital.

Junior Rachel Mayhew buys a cookie during lunch on Wednesday, Jan. 6 to donate to Cookies for Kelsey.

Cookies for Kelsey raises awareness for senior with cancer

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
January 10, 2016

From Monday, Jan. 4 to Friday, Jan. 8, the PTSA group hosted Cookies for Kelsey to financially assist the family of senior Kelsey Baltz as she battles Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Using the funds made from the...

Varsity Unleashed dance team performs "Girls" for their annual Winter Spectacular on Friday, Dec. 11.

Dance teams perform in Winter Spectacular

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
December 13, 2015

Varsity Unleashed dance team performs "Girls" for their annual Winter Spectacular on Friday, Dec. 11.

Band director Brian Kuperman conducts the band for the classic Christmas song "Jingle Bells" on Friday, Dec. 4 for their annual Rhapsody in Blue concert.

Band hosts annual Rhapsody in Blue concert

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
December 6, 2015

On Friday, Dec. 4, the entire band, including Jazz I and II, performed their annual Rhapsody in Blue concert with songs such as Bruno Mars’s “Uptown Funk” and Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before...

Center back Meghan Precord drives the ball across the field during a game against Lake Mary on Nov. 10.

Girls soccer dominates Lake Minneola

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
December 2, 2015

On Tuesday, Dec. 1 the varsity girls soccer team played against Lake Minneola and ended the game with a 2-0 win, improving the team’s record of 4-3-3. Both goals were made by striker Julia England and...

Brad Kuperman conducts the Jazz I Ensemble for the Shades of Blue concert on Friday, Nov. 20.

Jazz Ensembles show off their shades of blue

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
November 22, 2015

Senior John McHale performs his solo during Thad Jones's "Back Bone".

Junior Julia Dansereau, playing one of the lead roles as Emily Webb, rehearses with freshman Michael McNamara, Wally Webb, on Tuesday Nov. 10.

Our Town welcomes you

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
November 14, 2015

Purebred Productions opened Our Town, a three-act play written by Thornton Wilder in 1938, on Wednesday Nov. 11. Junior Julia Dansereau played the lead as Emily Webb, an idealistic but doubtful teenage...

The girls team warms up for the Oct. 24 District Championship meet in Deland.

Girls cross country returns to states

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
November 5, 2015

Both the girls and the boys cross country team competed at Lake Nona High School for the regional championships on Saturday, Oct. 31. The boys team finished ninth place, which will not bring them to...

Junior Trinity Turlington rests her head in her hand as she stressfully stares down at her AP Physics classwork.

Under Pressure

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
October 20, 2015

Foreheads covered in sweat, hands shaking in exhaustion and what seems like endless tears flowing down cheeks. These are only a few of the symptoms that AP students show, especially the junior class. For...

Voices of Hagerty rehearses their pieces for the last time on Oct. 14 before concert showcase on Oct. 15.

Top two choirs perform first Fall Masterworks Concert

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2015

Chorus performs their first Fall Masterworks Concert in the auditorium on Thursday Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. Although the performance is only about an hour long, the top two choirs have been preparing since the...

Making a shift

Making a shift

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
September 21, 2015

At first look, ePassport, the main foundation of eCampus, is overwhelming. It shows several applications such as Discovery Ed, i-Ready, Pearson, Skyward, and eCampus. With the departure of Blackboard,...

Drum major Isabella Guevara observes the marching band as they rehearse the routines for the Sep. 4 football game. “She voices her opinion a lot more when she’s on the field compared to the other [drum majors]. She’s the one who gets everyone on task,” Caleb Schaefer said.

Major update

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter
August 31, 2015

Junior Isabella Guevara stands six feet above the ground, hands poised to lead the 400 people below her. To keep in time with the metronome, she counts out the beats under her breath. The hat on her head...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School
Victoria Tomeo