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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

Lukas Goodwin

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor

Lukas Goodwin is a senior at Hagerty and this is his third year on staff. He has always been passionate about writing, and the newspaper is a great way for him to express that. He hopes to become an English or Writing major, and this class is helping him improve his writing skills to do so.

All content by Lukas Goodwin
Students sit along the track at the Sam Momary Stadium, waiting to be called up onto the stage. Chairs were socially distanced and all attendants wore masks.

Honors Graduate ceremony celebrates seniors

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
April 15, 2021

Walking across a stage in front of hundreds beneath the sweltering sun on a Wednesday night is not a situation seniors would normally expect to find themselves in. However, on April 14 at 6:30 p.m., roughly...

Senior Nicolas Cai works on his homework at tennis practice. Being in the gifted program often required setting aside a lot of time for assignments.

Not always a gift

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
April 8, 2021

Reciting numbers to prove one’s memory, solving various brain-teaser puzzles, and demonstrating basic literacy and math skills — all rudimentary tests to see if an elementary or middle schooler belongs...

Seniors from the class of 2019 dance at prom together. They were the last senior class to enjoy a traditional prom before the coronavirus.

Final decisions made for senior activities

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
February 28, 2021

After several months of uneasy silence, the fate of senior activities felt uncertain. And following the cancelation of the homecoming dance, seniors were quick to look to admin for a decision on their...

Sophomore Sarena Wilkerson, among many other students, watches major news outlets like CNN. However, these are not exactly the most reliable forms of journalism.

The real “fake” news

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
February 7, 2021

We all know one of our 45th president’s favorite phrases to insert into every press conference and interview: “fake news.” And whether you backed Donald Trump in his hatred for the press or laughed...

Many high schoolers watch various kids' shows in their free time.

Some things never get old

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
January 22, 2021

The fuzzy, carefree feeling of running home from school to catch the 3:00 p.m. special of their favorite Nickelodeon cartoon or Disney Channel sitcom, is something all teenagers can remember. Growing up...

Junior Charissa Thompson drinks coffee regularly, to maintain energy levels during the school year. She began relying on the beverage much more after entering high school.

Caffeine craze

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
December 9, 2020

As senior Izzy Pacheco entered her kitchen to brew herself a cup of coffee, she sighed: the coffee machine was broken. Abandoning the Keurig, Pacheco hopped in the car and drove to the nearest Starbucks...

The cheerleading and dance teams engage students with chants. This was a tradition carried on from past pep rallies.

Rivalry week sparks school spirit

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
November 3, 2020

Advocating for action

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
October 25, 2020

Before this year, high school students most likely avoided political conversations with family at the dinner table that spark either boredom or controversy. But now, as the 2020 elections approach, many...

Dickison reads the script for the second session of the ELA exam in the media center. Juniors had to retake the test at the start of the year after it was canceled last year due to COVID-19.

Po Dickison awarded Teacher of the Year

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
October 1, 2020

When news broke on Thursday, Sept. 24 that media specialist Po Dickison won Teacher of the Year, she burst into tears. This was not her first time receiving the award: she also won it in 2005, the first...

Senior Hamza Zeini folds origami cranes at home, that will count as service hours towards the Asian Culture Club. The club will be donating these to the Children’s Peace Monument in Hiroshima, Japan.

The scramble for scholarships

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
September 18, 2020

Florida’s Bright Futures scholarship is one of the most popular programs that high schoolers apply for, given how accessible it is. It only calls for a certain SAT or ACT test score and community service...

Natalia Alvarez and Tania Sims, members of Ready Set Reform, speak before Oviedo protestors. They led a march in Oviedo on the Park to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

A race for change

Lukas Goodwin, Print Editor
September 8, 2020

"Little Fires Everywhere" ignites discussion

“Little Fires Everywhere” ignites discussion

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
May 11, 2020

Opening up in the aftermath of a house fire, a family murmurs speculations about who started it in Hulu’s drama miniseries, “Little Fires Everywhere.” The camera then cuts to the face of a mortified...

Junior Hannah Sanchez, design editor for the yearbook staff, works on a spread. She, along with all other staffers, had to finish designing the book from home this year.

Under pressure

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
April 21, 2020

When the news hit the public that school would be postponed and later cancelled for the rest of the year, teachers took the time to reorganize their classes and figure out solutions. But for the yearbook...

Junior Samantha Sutch plays Animal Crossing: New Horizons on her Nintendo Switch. She bought the game the day it was released, March 20.

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
April 2, 2020

A lot of people are sick and tired of coronavirus and quarantining. It is the only thing on the news, it is all anyone talks about, and it is hard to think about anything else. However, one of the most...

Junior Jackson Schwerdt performs an ollie, a popular trick many skateboarders learn. He usually practiced a few times a week for a couple hours.

Pride of the ride

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
March 16, 2020

When he was still in middle school, sophomore Vincent Connelly often hung out with his older brother and his skater friends. Spending so much time with them, and being an impressionable younger sibling...

Make it or break it

Make it or break it

Andrea Izaguirre and Lukas Goodwin
February 7, 2020

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Students view the introductory module for the mental health course. The videos will be played during an extended midblock period.

State introduces mental health program

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
January 23, 2020

Following a surge of tragedies in high schools across the country, most notably with Stoneman Douglas two years ago, the Florida state legislature created a new law requiring all public middle schools...

Junior Celeste Dixon takes down the roof of her convertible.  She drove it to and from school every day.

Shifting into high gear

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
December 7, 2019

Of all the liberties students gain as upperclassmen - privilege days, a reserved senior section at pep rallies, even joining the powderpuff team - driving to school every day is the most popular. Teenagers...

Junior Sarah Rifenberg browses through dresses at Goodwill. Many students visited similar thrift shops for cheap, trendy outfits.

Out with the new, in with the old

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
November 5, 2019

After a middle school era of basketball shorts, plain hoodies and worn out sneakers from fifth grade, teenagers entering high school seize the opportunity to reinvent themselves. Some join clubs or find...

On the road to homecoming

On the road to homecoming

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
October 11, 2019

Senior Joe Davis sings "The Climb." The entire audience sang along and waved their flashlights in the air in support.

Students show true colors at annual talent show

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
October 2, 2019

Students show true colors at annual talent show After another talent show, hosted by TV Production as a part of this year’s homecoming week agenda, fan favorite senior Joe Davis brought things to...

Zhang explains the directions to a calligraphy activity the class is doing.  Calligraphy is a traditional art form popular in China.

Made for Mandarin

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
September 11, 2019

With the vast selection of world language courses available to students, from Spanish to French to American Sign Language, adding one more to the list might seem like too much. Several others are available...

Students in the red lot leave school for the day. This lot was for those with six or seven classes on campus.

Administration introduces new parking system

Lukas Goodwin, Lifestyles Editor
August 20, 2019

Last year, campus parking was all about the numbers – each student who purchased a spot used the same spot all year. This year, the administration transformed the old system into flex lots. Depending...

Seniors Sophia and Arden at the Sammy's award ceremony they hosted on May 24.

For the love of YouTube

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
May 8, 2019

With nothing to go from but a mutual interest in video editing and the bond of their friendship, seniors Sophia Mancia and Arden Reidy launched their YouTube channel, “soph & arden,” with a Q&A...

Seniors Sophia Mancia and Arden Reidy host the Sammy's. They ran a Youtube channel together and made several videos for the event.

Leadership hosts annual Sammys

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2019

On Wednesday, April 24, leadership held the annual Sammys event, a show that gave seniors various superlative awards. The award show gave all of the winners trophies for each archetype, from “Best Dressed...

Sophomores Daniel Ocasio and Nia Shand tie dye their shirts. They were focused on getting the designs just right.

Chemistry classes continue tie dye tradition

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
April 19, 2019

Starting Monday, April 1, chemistry classes started their annual tie-dying throughout the course of the following weeks, in both the science labs and in the courtyard. Science teachers Kim Dansereau, Romina...

Sophomore Michael Rygh turns in his Pi Day form. Math teacher Aglaia Christodoulides, along with several other teachers, handed these slips out for students to select the pies they wished to purchase.

Mu Alpha Theta holds Pi Day bake sale

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
March 6, 2019

Sophomore Michael Rygh turns in his Pi Day form. Math teacher Aglaia Christodoulides, along with several other teachers, handed these slips out for students to select the pies they wished to purchase.

Leadership teacher Sarah Jarem makes the final changes to her classes' donations. She was tracking all of them throughout DARE Week.

DARE Week raises funds for Rocha family

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2019

The annual DARE Week fundraiser was especially significant this year, as all funds will be donated to vice principal Angel and ESE teacher Patrick Rocha, whose daughter and parents were hospitalized after...

Spanish teacher Patricia Lopez helps students correct their homework. She wanted to be able to help them learn from their mistakes.

Let’s talk about it

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
January 24, 2019

As sophomore Jacob Carlson entered French II, he prepared for another day of studying grammar and French culture. Meanwhile, across campus, sophomore Michael Self walked into Spanish III, anxious and unprepared...

Season three of "The Good Place" is still good

Season three of “The Good Place” is still good

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
December 11, 2018

Premiering on Sept. 27, season three of NBC’s “The Good Place” jumps right into the action, following up on season two’s cliffhanger. The quartet of main characters, Eleanor Shellstrop (played...

Sophomore Aracely Perez reads an article on Newsela. Her class comes to the media center to complete assignments every week.

Changes to English curriculum underway

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2018

Starting in the second quarter, every Wednesday, underclassman English classes are using instructional programs Achieve 300 and Newsela for reading practice, and Write Score for writing practice. County...

Sophomore Fallon Chapman performs "Bird Set Free" by Sia. Chapman has been a part of TV show "Dance Moms" and continues to be a part of the dance team at Hagerty.

Video production holds talent show

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
October 24, 2018

With the votes of three judges (and the chants of the audience) junior Eliot Barat won first place at this year’s school talent show with his Chinese yoyo act. It was hosted by Vangeli Tsompanidis, president...

Foley and Richardson will take students to Acropolis, in Athens. They also plan to visit many other iconic Grecian locations.

Foley, Richardson to sponsor Greece trip

Lukas Goodwin, Staff Reporter
September 14, 2018

In the summer of 2019, students will get the opportunity to travel on an Educational Tours trip to Greece. English teacher Samantha Richardson and History teacher Erin Foley held a meeting Wednesday,...

Sophomore Sabrine DeSilva takes a power-nap at the end of class. After a long day, she likes to recharge her energy.

Making the most of it

Lukas Goodwin and Ahilyn Aguilar
August 31, 2018

As students enter their freshman year, worlds are flipped upside down as they are slapped in the face with a reality check: high school is tough. Between juggling seven periods (often with multiple AP...

Cover for video game Assassin Creed Origins.' The game was first released on Oct. 27, 2017

Origins outshines predecessors

Lukas Goodwin, Journalism I
February 27, 2018

In the past Assassin’s Creed installments, players have scaled colossal towers in Italy, fought for the freedom of the thirteen colonies, and torn through Man-o’-Wars across the Caribbean in massive,...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School
Lukas Goodwin