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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

All content by BluePrint Staff
Department of Education cuts will hurt

Department of Education cuts will hurt

Blueprint Staff
February 19, 2025

Seeing the words “the Department of Education is shutting down” in any news headline is enough to scare students, parents, teachers and administration alike. But what would the abolition of the DOE...

College admissions season is a stressful time for American students. Money, confusing paperwork, and uninformed parents are just part of the ever-growing college catastrophe.

College catastrophe

Blueprint Staff
December 9, 2024

Nov. 1: Early action/decision applications close. Jan. 2: Regular admission applications close. Mid-January: early decisions release. Jan. 31: Regular supplemental materials due. Dates...

High schools in the future might have to be divided by political party.

It’s an election, not an apocalypse

Blueprint Staff
November 7, 2024

Windows broken, entrances breached, police overwhelmed as increasingly violent crowds surround the Capitol Building. On Jan. 6, 2021, the Capitol was stormed by Trump supporters amidst the finalization...

Home football games and pep rallies do not cultivate much participation from students because of lack of on campus periods. This has made the school less spirited overall.

Where’s the spirit?

Blueprint Staff
October 3, 2024

A couple of football seasons ago, students would be lucky to find a spot during kickoff at Sam Momary Stadium. But in just two years, the conditions of home football games are noticeably different, with...

While Hagerty has a plethora of helpful technology, students could become too dependent on these digital tools. Students will therefore not be able to develop skills like communication or critical thinking for life beyond high school.

Proceed with caution

Blueprint staff
April 15, 2024

A scanning system for bus IDs, standardized tests online and an improved wifi network: Technology is deeply integrated into everything we do at Hagerty. Every day, we use high-tech systems to do everything...

Pride flags symbolize diversity and hope in  the LGBTQ+ community. The theater and band programs had to remove the flags that had previously hung in their classrooms.

[Photo] Removal of pride flags raises questions

The BluePrint Staff
February 27, 2024

Pride flags symbolize diversity and hope in the LGBTQ+ community. The theater and band programs had to remove the flags that had previously hung in their classrooms.

In recent years, SCPS policies have become increasingly cautionary, ultimately at the cost of students and teachers. SCPS must start thinking beyond what the state wants, and focus  instead on what their students need.

Seminole County needs to think for itself

Blueprint Staff
February 7, 2024

No books. No movies. And now, no social media. For two years, state laws, and Seminole County’s interpretations, have gotten increasingly restrictive. With the pretext of giving rights back to parents...

With unlimited access to online courses, many students use SCVS to take the easy way out of challenging classes. This can lead many to inflate their grades despite little knowledge on the subject.

The over-abuse of online courses

BluePrint Staff
December 13, 2023

7:20 a.m. For many, this time marks the beginning of every school day. For others, school doesn’t start for another three hours. Seminole County Virtual School, the district’s preferred online...

Standardized testing has only become more confusing as time has passed. With the change from paper-based to digital, to test-optional policies, and the overall amount of testing, students are feeling overwhelmed.

Testing stuck in limbo

BluePrint Staff
November 14, 2023

“Standard” is quite literally written in the phrase standardized testing; however, the process has been anything but standard. Students are tested excessively, taking the SAT, ACT, PSAT, CLT, FAST,...

Seminole County has the strictest interpretation of the School-Sponsored Events and Activities Law. With its lack of effectiveness and its confusing components, students scramble to get permission forms filled out to attend extracurricular activities.

Parent Permission Forms— an inconvenience for all

Blueprint Staff
September 27, 2023

An average student fills out three permission slips for a week’s worth of after-school activities. The next week the same student has four more forms to fill out, with one of them being the outdated...

Facebook scams, Twitter’s censorship, Instagram identity theft - every social media platform has problems, but Congress chooses to drag out a national hearing and hyper focus on TikTok. There are more important things in the world the U.S. should be worrying about instead of a social media platform.

Congress’ TikTok obsession turns blind eye to real problems

BluePrint Staff
April 11, 2023

Facebook scams, Twitter’s censorship, Instagram identity theft - every social media platform has problems, but Congress chooses to drag out a national hearing and hyper focus on TikTok.  Over 150...

Much of the hate against Christianity stems from the idea that all Christians are homophobic, anti-semetic, racist—the list goes on. Yes, fundamental Christians have been most commonly associated with attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, and that is not okay. But most Christians do not hold such bitter beliefs.

Religious tolerance applies to all belief systems

BluePrint Staff
February 24, 2023

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Since its origin, the United States has emphasized the importance of religious freedom—it’s...

The rise in polarization has had reverberating consequences on journalists. Both the left and right judge us by what party we lean towards, instead of the quality of our content.

The struggles of being a journalist in an age of polarization

BluePrint Staff
December 8, 2022

It’s no secret: the U.S. is divided. Party polarization is not a novel idea, and never has been. Younger Americans are becoming more and more disillusioned with their government, our political climate...

We live in an age where the best education with the best teachers are not the main priority. Students should be exposed to uncomfortable topics so they can grow as a person, taught by teachers who have the freedom to teach the topic how they want.

Hiding from the truth

BluePrint Staff
November 11, 2022

In the 1960s, Fidel Castro 'revolutionized' the Cuban education system, vowing to dramatically raise his country's educational standards. What happened over the next decade was a one-size-fits-all approach...

Political misinformation has made itself at home on social media. Before reposting any shocking headlines or infographics, people must research and fact-check their information.

Getting political on social media: do your research

BluePrint Staff
September 13, 2022

Tapping through Instagram stories, you notice a repost with a shocking headline: “Texas Schools Require Clear Bags To Prevent Students From Bringing In Books.” In a rage, your friend captioned his...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School
BluePrint Staff