AP Computer Science A will build on concepts of programming from AP Computer Science Principles. However, AP CSP is not a prerequisite to be able to enroll in AP CSA. It is being added back to the curriculum...
Law Studies III will build upon concepts from Law Studies I and II as the program expands and it will be offered as a semester-long course. While Law Studies I focused on criminal law and II focused on...
Personal Financial Literacy will be offered as a semester course available to all grade levels to take. Previously, the school has offered Personal Family Finance, using the Dave Ramsey method, where...
Chinese II will be offered as an expansion from Chinese I, building the new foreign language program. While Chinese I teaches the basics of Mandarin, Chinese II will go more in-depth with not only the...
The PIT Crew will be a standard elective credit that will require an application, and is open to juniors and seniors. If accepted, students will have the opportunity to interact and help out peers with...