Batting Gloves - some hitters choose to use them for grip, but they are not necessary for the game. “Just in case one rips, I can have a second one for the game so I’m prepared.”
Cleats - For grip
Water Bottle - To prevent dehydration
Green Band - “I use that band to strengthen [my ankles] because I have weak ankles.”
Shin Guards - To protect shins from...
Pom Poms - Extras “in case some of the girls forget” to bring their own
Megaphone - Used call and go over cheers
Water Bottle - Used to stay hydrated during practice
(not pictured)...
Shorts - “I bring shorts every week because after games I like to change into shorts instead of leggings because they are all sweaty.”
Pirouette - Helps to turn on the gym floor without slipping
Cleats - for grip on the field
Resistance Band - to “stretch out my ankles before the game”
Lacrosse Stick - for players to handle the ball and strike, but also motivation and decoration:...