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The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Junior Kimberly Huang working out a math problem.

Earlier start times up for debate

Olivia Gatchev, Staff Reporter | May 23, 2019

With Volusia County changing the start time for their schools in 2019-20, Seminole County students wonder if time change are coming here too. The concept of changing high school start times is not...

What's wrong with California?-History teacher Robin Grenz points to California on the map. She is working towards retirement and will not fulfill her position next year.

A New Era for Grenz

Zoey Young, Staff Reporter | May 22, 2019

Whether it was dancing on the tabletops, frequently sporting a new pair of flashy Converse, or baking cookies as a surprise for her 6th period, AP U.S. History teacher Robin Grenz has always taught in...

Sophomores Victoria Hayward and Elaina Butler buy their parking passes in the auditorium.

Parking mad

Sharika Khondaker, News Editor | May 22, 2019

No designated spaces, no painted spots, and a fear of chaos in the student parking lot. Students wonder why changes to the parking system were made in the first place, but the most recent changes were...

Senior Sami Vincent performing the national anthem at the annual Pals Autism Walk. She will be performing blank blank at the Youth Advisory talent show on May 23.

Oviedo Youth Advisory Council hosts talent show

Charlotte Mansur | May 21, 2019

The Youth Advisory Council partnered with the drama department to organize “Oviedo’s got Talent,” a local talent show open to the community. The event will be held in the auditorium on May 23 at...

Senior Cassidy Smith sings a solo at the drama department's Caberet on May 15.

Theater hosts Cabaret, final event of year

Hayden Turner, Staff Reporter | May 17, 2019

Thespian Troupe 6885 hosted The Greatest Show, their annual cabaret and final event of the year on May 13 in the auditorium. The event consisted of performances of songs from musicals that have been transformed...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School