Junior Isabella Guevara stands six feet above the ground, hands poised to lead the 400 people below her. To keep in time with the metronome, she counts out the beats under her breath. The hat on her head...
Have you ever been to a show where you had a bad seat or you were so far back you could barely make out what was going on? There is no chance of that with the theater department’s new upcoming play...
Courtney Dziewior, HagertyJourn Online Managing Editor
| August 25, 2015
Feet dragging from exhaustion, junior Megan McKeel goes door to door in the slums of Guayaquil, Ecuador begging for work. Begging for work, scavenging for food and hiking through forest were all part of...
The days of searching for a parking spot, fighting for the best space every morning before school and getting a spot without a tag are over. The student parking lot will now have designated spots to make...
A year ago, 16 year old Baptiste Thomin never thought he would be in the middle of a foreign country hitting the “whip” with people he just met. In between taking him to the beach for the first time...