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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


Q&A with new Economics teacher William Bordelon

Q&A with new Economics teacher William Bordelon

Ben Clyatt, Sports Editor | September 2, 2015

With the departure of old Economics teacher Robert Potter, William Bordelon is starting his first year teaching at Hagerty High School as Potter’s replacement. Bordelon is the Honors Economics and AP...

Drum major Isabella Guevara observes the marching band as they rehearse the routines for the Sep. 4 football game. “She voices her opinion a lot more when she’s on the field compared to the other [drum majors]. She’s the one who gets everyone on task,” Caleb Schaefer said.

Major update

Victoria Tomeo, Staff Reporter | August 31, 2015

Junior Isabella Guevara stands six feet above the ground, hands poised to lead the 400 people below her. To keep in time with the metronome, she counts out the beats under her breath. The hat on her head...

A “fantastick” idea

A “fantastick” idea

Bailey Fisher, Photographer | August 27, 2015

Have you ever been to a show where you had a bad seat or you were so far back you could barely make out what was going on? There is no chance of that with the theater department’s new upcoming play...

Summer of growth

Summer of growth

Courtney Dziewior, HagertyJourn Online Managing Editor | August 25, 2015

Feet dragging from exhaustion, junior Megan McKeel goes door to door in the slums of Guayaquil, Ecuador begging for work. Begging for work, scavenging for food and hiking through forest were all part of...

The lot is divided into different sections with 444 total spaces. The first digit in each number marks which section the spot is in. This helps administration get to a specific spot quickly if needed.

Parked safely

Justin Baronoff, Staff Reporter | August 24, 2015

The days of searching for a parking spot, fighting for the best space every morning before school and getting a spot without a tag are over. The student parking lot will now have designated spots to make...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School