A story of friendship and finding yourself, Netflix’s new adaptation of the novel “The School for Good and Evil” takes viewers on a journey of plot twists and surprises. Released Oct. 18, the film...
Trauma after trauma, Ani FaNelli (Mila Kunis) has tried to bury her past deep in the ground. However, all that changes as her past is brought back up in a new documentary, but this time, she gets to tell...
It has been 29 years since the words “We are back, Salem!” have been shouted from the mouths of the Sanderson Sisters. But, as they said, they are back.
Released on Disney Plus Sept. 30, “Hocus...
Impressive guitar instrumentals, catchy lyrics, amazing tone, it is all in Steve Lacy’s R&B and Soul album released on July 15, “Gemini Rights.” Lacy is known for his previous hit song “Dark...
A villain, a hero, a love interest and some funny moments. That is really all "Thor: Love and Thunder" has to offer. Released on Disney+ Sept. 8, it was a good find with decent plot and decent characters.