The movie starts just like the book: sounds of clanking chains and complete darkness. The Maze Runner, a book that follows the lives of teenage boys who have been trapped in a maze and only remember their...
After spending two and a half hours driving to Jacksonville’s Times-Union Center, half an hour getting into my seat, and a whole hour pretending to enjoy an opening act about as engaging as her mic stand,...
After last year’s VMAs were plagued with Robin Thicke’s huge ego, teddy bears just as large, and foam finger gyration, the 2014 VMAs had to step it up in order to squeeze their way into Monday morning...
While HBO is the pioneer in book-to-television show conversion, STARZ is taking their swing at the genre with the new series “Outlander,” based off of the original book Outlander by Diana Gabaldon,....
Marvel’s The Guardians of the Galaxy is a superb film. It defies the bland tale of super-hero groups saving the universe with more comedy and action than any other Marvel film to date. There is no doubt...