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The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online

The student news site of Hagerty High School

The BluePrint Online


On Sept. 9, Netflix released the fifth season to their hit show Cobra Kai. This season was far from a let down and is definitely worth the watch.

Cobra Kai has not lost its kick

Audrey Smyers, Journalism 1 | September 20, 2022

Nowadays there are many knockoffs, remakes and reboots. Most are shameless cash grabs. However, Cobra Kai feels fresh and new, while also maintaining many nostalgic elements. Season five continues this...

On Sept. 2, Nina Nesbitt released her third album titled, Älskar, meaning to love or adore. It is available on Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube Music.

‘Älskar’: nothing but love for this album

Angelica Mendez, Entertainment Editor | September 14, 2022

Älskar is Swedish for love or admiration, and fans should love Nina Nesbitt’s third album. Released Sept. 2, each of the album’s 12 pop tracks are a work of art.  Throughout the album, Nesbitt...

Political misinformation has made itself at home on social media. Before reposting any shocking headlines or infographics, people must research and fact-check their information.

Getting political on social media: do your research

BluePrint Staff | September 13, 2022

Tapping through Instagram stories, you notice a repost with a shocking headline: “Texas Schools Require Clear Bags To Prevent Students From Bringing In Books.” In a rage, your friend captioned his...

With a new release of updates on Aug. 15, "Multiversus" is a new take on games. The game brings back childhood nostalgia with the characters everyone knows and loves.

Nostalgia Meets PVP In ‘Multiversus’

Hannah Jiang, Journalism 1 | September 13, 2022

Imagine all of your favorite characters from your childhood cartoons in one place, fighting side-by-side. In a newly released platform fighting PC game titled “Multiversus”, players get to engage in...

As tuition prices continue to climb, those who couldn’t afford to go to college in the first place –those who couldn’t afford to take out loans – are always left behind, while  politicians continue to turn a blind eye to the actual issue. Biden’s plan is no different. 

Fired Up!

Sophia Canabal, Lifestyles Editor | September 9, 2022

When college graduates called on president Joe Biden to ease the burden of student loans, he responded. On Aug. 24, he announced a three-pronged plan that would provide up to $20,000 in loan cancellation...

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The student news site of Hagerty High School